Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Stuff Related to Turning 35.

Turning 35 brought a couple fun things my way.  

Here's my birthday cake which I forgot to put in my previous birthday post.  It's a Little Debbie "St Patrick's Day Fancy Cake."  I am obsessed with the Fancy Cakes snack cakes.  Easter Cakes.  Christmas Tree Cakes.  Fall Cakes.  Regular old Fancy Cakes.  I could easily eat like 8 of them in one sitting.  I've not had one since I started Weight Watchers almost two years ago so that's why I decided to have ONE for my birthday cake.  4 points for ONE.  And that would be why I haven't had one in so long.  It was just as delicious as I remembered.  Stupid Fancy Cakes.

When you turn 35 you have to get a new driver's license.  I had the option to just renew online and I promptly rejected that option in favor of heading to the license branch.

Do you blame me?

Look at that full, round face!  I look like a completely different person.  As much as I've traveled lately, I seriously CANNOT believe that the TSA NEVER stopped me.  Plus, 190 pounds?  Yeah right.  I was definitely in the 220s in that photo. 

Check this out y'all!  A license that isn't a big fat lie!

My doctor suggested that I go ahead and get my baseline mammogram at 35.  She's never been too fond of my lumpy boobs (I didn't know they were lumpy as I don't have much experience with any other boobs - but apparently, they are - sorry, TMI??).  So, I'm guessing she decided to use this age milestone as an excuse to get them smashed and x-rayed.  I was dreading the whole ordeal because you hear so many horror stories about how awful and painful it is.  We'll I'm here to tell you, it was no. big. deal.  At all.  I was in and out of the office in less than 20 minutes and that includes the paperwork I had to fill out, disrobing, the "smashing," re-robing and out the door.  It was not painful.  It was only mildly uncomfortable, but it was over so fast that I hardly had time to even think about it.

And my results came back.  Lumpy or not, they looked good to the x-ray machine!  Take that, 35!  Mammogram CONQUERED!

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