Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015

FXB Week 9

Nine weeks finished!  The end is so close.  It's getting real now.  I absolutely can not wait until next Saturday.  This next week is going to go by sooooooo slow.

New thing in Week 9:  density sets.  It goes a little something like this:
  1. Choose as heavy a band as you can handle
  2. Do 10 reps each of 5 different exercises from the same muscle group (we did shoulders)
  3. Think to yourself:  "This isn't hard at all.  I could totally do more of those."  You decide to band up to really challenge yourself.
  4. Repeat that routine of 10 reps each of 5 different exercises with a harder band
  5. Think to yourself:  "That feels like work.  Good, that's how it's supposed to be."
  6. Repeat for the third time.
  7. Think to yourself:  "Oh crap.  This is getting hard.  I wonder how many times we are going to repeat this?"
  8. Repeat for the fourth time.
  9. Think to yourself:  "@#$%!!  BAND DOWN.  BAND DOWN!"  You band back down because you are dying.
  10. Repeat for the fifth time.
  11. Think to yourself:  "Seriously, this better be the last time.  I got nuthin' left.  I'm shaking."
  12. Repeat for the sixth time. 
  13. Think to yourself:  "Andie (the instructor) is a wretched, horrible person who wishes nothing but pain and misery on me personally.  I shall give her the death stare for the next 35 minutes."
  14. Density set complete.
  15. Think to yourself:  "Oh thank God, we're done.  Oh thank God.  Oh no, I can't feel my arms.  I can't feel my arms!!"
  16. A few hours later, think to yourself:  "I'm going to kill Andie the next time I see her.  I can't move my arms above my head."
  17. Two days later, think to yourself,  "I really love Andie.  She's my favorite instructor!  The very best there is.  I feel so strong and my shoulders look AWESOME."
Also, one of my favorite kickboxing moments thus far happened this week.  Roundhouse kicks IN UNISON.  Imagine 50-60 people SIMULTANEOUSLY kicking the bag.  Thunderous.  Awesome.  I caught myself in the mirror grinning like a big idiot. 

Ok, I am feeling the urge to clear the air and set the record straight about something very important to me.  Not that anyone has said anything to me or even looked at me sideways but I'm feeling a little defensive, just the same.

I am addicted to Diet Coke.  There.  I said it.  I have a problem.  I consume way more of the stuff than any one person should consume.  At least, I used to.  Ok, ok I still have way too much but I did cut my daily intake by 60% after I started FXB and was told I would be committing a nutrition sin by drinking any at all. 

However, in true addict fashion, I scoffed at their suggestion to stop drinking it all together.  Instead, I elected to follow the rule that I must consume 80-100 ounces of water per day, baseline.  And on top of that water, for every ounce of carbonated beverage I consume, I must consume two additional ounces of water.  

This means in order for me to have a 44 ounce Polar Pop of Diet Coke (yes, that's 60% less than what I used to have per day - I told you I have a problem), I must consume a total of at least 168 ounces of water every day.  That's more than a gallon and a half of total liquid I put away in a day.  And that's not counting coffee, which I have become increasingly more addicted to since waking up at 4:15am every day.  When I have coffee, that's even more liquid (including more offsetting water) that I put away.

So what's my trick to drinking this much water?  It's all about that cup, bout that cup, no bottle.

I refill this styrofoam cup about 3-4 times per day (I do drink out of a normal 32 oz water bottle during my workouts - I'm not TOTALLY ridiculous about this cup such that I bring it to the mat in the mornings).  But I'm telling you, there is just something about that Polar Pop cup and the magical blue straw that keeps me reaching for it all day long - even when it doesn't have Diet Coke in it. 

So, you fellow FXB'ers, when you see me roaming the hallways at work (probably on my way to the bathroom) with my giant 44 ounce Polar Pop cup - I SWEAR IT'S WATER!!  Don't judge me.

I was pretty sick and tired of losing Wacky Sock Wednesday but all I was doing was complaining about losing and not doing anything as far as suggesting ideas.  So I fixed that.  I suggested we do a "circle of trust."  Welp, friends, WE GOT THE WACKY SOCK TROPHY!  My work here is done.

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