Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Keep Knocking!!

Tyler's potty training is going awesome!!!  I don't think I should even call it "training" at this point.  The little dude's got it down.  The only issue we currently have is that if the potty seat is not in place on the toilet, he'll most likely have an accident because he can't get the seat there fast enough.  Then sometimes, instead of telling us he had an accident, we find out after he shows up in the living room with no pants on carrying a clean pair in his hands.  And he's often trudged through the pee on the bathroom floor, dragging his pee filled clothes to his hamper.  So that's fun to clean up.  But I don't care.  I'll take it.

Last week, Joel took the kids to the playground.  Lily is striking a "Whitney pose" and Tyler is sneaking snacks out of the diaper bag.

Lily was taking flying leaps off the window ledge.  She's typically a pretty big 'fraidy cat but apparently became a little fearless on this visit.

It is so stinking cute when Tyler upends his train to fix it.  No clue where he came up with that (even though Joel is a fixer, I don't think Tyler's ever seen him do something like this).  

Joel found out that East High School was putting on Cinderella so I took Lily on Sunday afternoon to see it.  She was super excited to get to go.  First, excited to wear her new fancy Easter dress which we had just purchased the day before.  Then super excited to see a princess.

She really enjoyed the musical and her behavior was pretty good considering she was confined to an auditorium theater seat for almost 2.5 hours.  She asked a lot of questions about how the stage scenery changed and how the curtain opened and closed.  She kept asking when she was going to see Cinderella in the pretty dress.  About 1/3 of the way through, she started asking every time there was a scene change if it was over yet.  I told her no, there was still a lot left and asked her if she wanted to leave.  She vehemently said no.  By the end, she was dancing in the aisle.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Tyler was hanging out with Daddy, apparently doing boy things.

Joel found an app on the phone that turned a picture of the kids into a talking Disney character.  The kids have gotten an insane amount of entertainment out of it (and bickering over taking turns with the phone).

Spring is almost here!!  Joel and the kids took a walk around the neighborhood.  It went a little something like this:

Fighting about who's going to pull the wagon:

Joel convincing them to take turns and they pulled each other:

Finally playing nice and pulling the (empty) wagon together:

 What a good Daddy he is!

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