Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

Our 6th Anniversary

Joel and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary the same day that I had my Farrell's awards ceremony.  Isn't he an awesome guy for enduring a 2 hour awards banquet with a bunch of people he doesn't know ON OUR ANNIVERSARY?  

I feel kinda bad that I posted all about my Farrell's results before I posted about our anniversary but I guess that's how it goes with blogging.  Things aren't always in chronological order or even prioritized with most important first.

My handsome partner in life.  I really don't know what I'd do without him.  He makes me absolutely INSANE some times (as I do to him) but there's really no better man on the face of this planet that I would rather feel insane around. 

We went out to dinner to Tre' Bicchieri.  It was amazing.  Spicy vodka cream sauce - I love you.  Joel scored us free cheesecake by mentioning our celebratory reason for dinner.  I was so embarrassed when he told the waitress, but I totally got over it when she showed up with that cheesecake.  It was bad word delicious.  Thank goodness it was fun day.

This weekend, at the kids Easter program, a man came up to me afterwards and told me that I look great and was asking me about my weight loss and such.  Then he said, "I have to be honest, when I first saw your husband today with his arm around you, I thought to myself, 'Oh no, he's here with another woman!'  But then, I realized it's the same woman, she just looks a lot different!"

What a compliment!

However, I will say, after 6 years of marriage, 8 years of togetherness, Joel did get a different woman to put his arm around.  One that's healthy and fit and that he can carry over the threshold without giving himself a hernia. 

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