Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

FXB Week 10 - Challenge Complete.

Well.  I did it. 

10 weeks.
13 T25 workouts.
27 kickboxing classes.
13 upper body workouts.
13 lower body workouts.
93% attendance to FXB classes (blasted travel).  
Exercised 97% of days (missed 2 Sundays).

And what did all of that get me?

Lost pounds.  Lost inches.
Arms that look scary strong and draw comments every. single. day.
Abs you can see from outside my body.
The ability to run around the block - multiple times - and not die. 

Oh but it's so much more than that. 

I can inspire.
I am strong - mentally and physically.
I have confidence like I've never had before.
I can push myself to previously unimaginable limits.

I experienced total mind & body transformation.

The last 10 weeks have been life changing for me.  Wait.  The last two years have been life changing for me and these last 10 weeks have just sent me to a place beyond anything I ever dreamed of in terms of how healthy I was capable of looking and feeling.  

Carrie Beckort, thank you for blogging your Journey to FIT in such a compelling way that I felt I had no other option but to give it a try myself.  Any other answer was just an excuse.  

I never knew exercise could be so fun and rewarding.  It's these people.  My classmates, our coaches (Milo and Kevin called out in the pic), the instructors.  It's just so. freaking. awesome.

It's this gal.  Erika.  She's got her eye on me.  Her workout depends on my workout and I don't want to let her down.  Love her.

Even the rest of our gym family noticed that Erika and I always work out together.  We even won an award because of it - the Dynamic Duo!

Now to cut through some of that cheese and actually share the bottom line which I know you're dying to see.

Unbelievable the pounds and inches that came off.  My official total is now 100 pounds lost (95 pounds on Weight Watcher + 5 pounds on FXB) and 75 inches lost (63 on Weight Watchers and 12.25 on FXB).  ONE HUNDRED POUNDS.  SEVENTY-FIVE INCHES.   Wow.

Crazy to way more than double my push ups.

Doubled my sit ups.  Gawd, I hate sit ups.  Clearly.  It's my tailbone!!  I have the biggest, most protrusive tailbone in the history of human existence.  Sit ups HURT ME people, and not in the good hurt kind of way that exercise is supposed to be!  I will say, however, that at the beginning of FXB, I couldn't do one single rowboat.  Not one.  The instructor would call out rowboats and I would try - so hard - but I just couldn't do it.  It hurt too bad and I just wasn't strong enough to "pull myself out" of tailbone.  Now, I can do them.  They still hurt like hell, but I have strengthened my core enough to do them at about quarter speed to what the instructor is yelling - but I'll take that over zero any day.

Anybody else think this looks like an advertisement for Reebok?  Just sayin'.  
The stat I am most impressed with on the whole sheet?  

Hands down, my mile time.  I cried at orientation when I finished in 11:30 because I had never completed a mile so fast in my life.  I set a goal to finish in under 10 minutes at week 10.  I completed the mile in 9 minutes and 21 seconds.  Mind.  Blown.  It wasn't pretty, I was gasping at breath for most of it and I almost puked twice - but that's neither here nor there.

And last, but certainly not least, the before/after pictures.  (Oh-my-gawd-take-a-deep-breath-and-hit-publish-before-I-lose-my-nerve.)

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