Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015

It's for Pretend.

This is the most commonly said phrase in our house these days, used extensively by both children.

Sometimes, they say something fully intending it to be silly and "for pretend" and are looking for Joel or I to call them out so that can say "I'm just pretending!"  Or, "Mommy!  You silly!  It's for pretend!"

Other times, they say something which they MEAN to be real and true, but it's ridiculous or an outright lie and when we call them on it, they promptly change their tune to "I'm just being silly!  It's pretend!"

Given that I'm so far behind on blogging, this is going to be mostly a photographic update with just a few stories thrown in.  Enjoy!

Me and my girl.

We love bike riding.  I can't wait until we get Lily her very own bike.  Soon.  Very soon.

Snuggling on the couch with Daddy.  Tyler passed out.

Tablets.  I have a love / hate relationship with them.  Love when the headphones are attached.  Hate when they are not.  Ha!

Tyler is obsessed with driving the Bronco.  He will throw a fit like nothing you've ever seen before if he gets a hankerin' to drive it and we're not on the mood to let him.

The kiddos got a package from their Meme and Papaw for Easter.  It included some chocolate and a new outfit for each.  All thoroughly enjoyed.

Joel is so good about taking the kids to the playground when I'm out of town.  It's a good distraction for the kids.  Lily was helping Ty-Ty get some water.  What a great big sister.

I found these on Joel's phone, taken while I was out of town.  No clue what's going on here.  Post bath stretching??  Must have been some bath!

Lily is completely obsessed with wearing her dress up princess dresses - every. single. day.  Joel installed a shelf in her closet at her level and we've hung all her dresses there now so she can get to them and put them on whenever she wants.  Here she's posing with her giant Elsa (pretty much the only thing you can actually DO with the giant Elsa that she just HAD to have).

I've mentioned before that Tyler is going to eat me out of house and home one day.  I fully believe this will happen.  At a birthday party, this kid ate 2.5 pieces of pizza, two handfuls of Doritos, two juice boxes, 1 cheese/PB cracker and a cupcake - in one sitting.

Perhaps Tyler will pay us back with a winning and profitable basketball career.  He's in to shooting hoops and he's not too bad!

Tyler's potty-ing is still going well.  We have an accident about every 3-4 days, which is pretty darn good, in my opinion.  However, sometimes, the accident produces more than just pee-soaked clothes and pee footprints down the hallway.  Sometimes, it produces a good story.

Tyler pretty consistently has to poop in the morning.  During the week, at daycare, he's taken to the bathroom often enough and is pretty much within 3 feet of a toilet most all day long so it's not really an issue and we've never had an accident like that at work.

However, on the weekend, Tyler gets so busy playing in the morning that he just can't be bothered to go sit on the potty.  One Saturday morning while I was at my workout, Joel was flying solo with the kids.  He was minding his own business, trying to eat his breakfast, when Tyler informs him that he's pooped in his 'underwears.'  Joel goes to clean him up and at that moment, Lily decides she needs something (I don't recall what it is that she needed) and she needed it RIGHT NOW.  She keeps pestering Joel all while he's trying to clean up poop.  Joel finally says, "Lily if you want (insert thing she wanted), then you could help me clean up this mess so I can get it for you faster.  Go take this underwear to the bathroom and dump the poop in the toilet."

As he's telling me this story, I'm shaking my head.  Joel is crazy.  Who gives poop filled underwear to a four year old??

Lily, anxious to get whatever, takes the poopy drawers to the bathroom (and Joel follows with his camera ready because he knows this is going to be good).

Lily attempts to fling the poop in the toilet and it goes flying into the back of the toilet seat and lands on the bathroom floor.

I asked Joel if he told Lily she had to pick it up.  He did (do I know my husband or what??).  And so she went for the toilet paper to pick it up, but Joel did have sense enough not to let her!

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