Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, March 7, 2015

FXB Week 8 - I own you.

Oh-my-gosh-there's-only-two-weeks-left.  I'm kind of freaking out about that and I really don't know why.  I mean, I'm signed up for a whole year, so there's really a whole lot more than 2 weeks left.  

I don't think I have a shot at the $1,000 prize so that's not the reason for the freak out.  Especially given the eating debacles from weeks 6 and 7 when I traveled.  There's about 100 people in my challenge so the probability is low, even if I was perfect at this.  I know I've worked hard - I've exercised every single day even when I couldn't come to Farrell's class due to travel (it was unprecedented, consistent workouts on travel! People, this is HUGE!).  I never missed a class just because I didn't feel like going.  I'd like to say I've given "level 10" every single day.  However, I haven't found time to add a running program or extra workouts - well I take that back, I have gotten in a work out on most Sundays.  But I'm sure that there are some people who have done these "extras" even more consistently.  I just can't compete with them and that's ok.

I guess what is freaking me out is just the self-imposed pressure of wanting to see those "amazing results" and a "total body transformation" in "just 10 weeks" that I am feeling right now.  Because even though I don't think I will win a prize, I still want to have an after picture that is noticeably different and that I can perhaps (!) even post on this blog because I'll be so proud of what I've accomplished.  (Don't hold me to this - even if I am proud enough, I may not be brave enough to post it.)

Blah, blah, blah.  Enough of that. 

Week 8 was much better to me than the last two weeks.  Well maybe I should say I was better to Week 8 than I was to the last two weeks.  I traveled again this week but it was only for 2 days (1 night).  And it was to a location - Shoreview, MN - that has a Farrell's so I didn't miss any FXB workouts!  Shoreview selfie!

It was upper body band day when I was there and I really enjoyed the workout I got at Shoreview.  It was a different approach than I am used to and the change-up was nice.  At my Farrell's, when we do bands, we focus on one muscle group at a time.  At Shoreview Farrell's, at least this one data point I have, they split the 45 minutes up in to three chunks.  They did a "routine" of sorts through a series of 5-6 exercises from multiple upper body categories.  We did 12 reps of each, then 14 reps of each, then 16 slow and 16 fast reps of each.  It moved really fast.  The only thing that wasn't clear to me was when I should be banding up or banding down.  Maybe it's because I didn't know what was coming (and they didn't give direction about how heavy of a band I should use). Next time I would know that it's basically a like a super drop set.  Oh and they didn't have Xerbars!  (I reckon this makes NO SENSE to anyone who isn't a fellow FXB'er - sorry!) 

As far as my nutrition on travel this week.... NAILED IT.  So why was I successful this week when I failed so miserably the last two?
  1. MOST IMPORTANTLY:  I stepped on the scale (for my WW weigh in) and I was super unhappy with what I saw.   Farrell's coaches that you shouldn't weigh yourself along the way during the 10-week challenge because 1) you are gaining muscle which has more mass than fat and you might feel discouraged by what's happening on the scale (your other numbers should tell the story) and 2) it takes a while for your body to adjust to both the exercise and nutrition changes you are undertaking.  However, I will argue that weight does matter (specifically in this scenario) and the consequences of my poor decisions were evident in the scale numbers.  And just the general way I was feeling physically and emotionally.  There was no question about whether this was weight gain from increased muscle mass or from poor eating choices. I needed the "numbers wake up call."
  2. I was not sitting in meetings within arms reach of snacks, donuts, M&Ms, etc. ALL DAY LONG
  3. I traveled on the company plane which means that I was not subjected to the same TSA restrictions and I could pack a small cooler full of my FXB/WW friendly meals and snacks - this was pretty huge
  4. No big group dinners with huge plates full of fried appetizers put in front of my face, people ordering drinks all around and just generally feeling like I wanted to stuff myself silly like everyone else at the table was doing
Thankfully, I have no more travel between now and the final day of the 10 week challenge.  I'm going to hit it hard (literally) on the mat.  I'm going TAKE CONTROL of my fun day and not over do it.  Bring on that after picture!!

Week 8 was "Bring a Friend" week.  I tried to convince several friends to come with me to kickbox at 5am and they all respectfully declined - essentially stating 5am exercise is just asinine.  Joel wants to try it out but obviously we can't both go at 5am (who's gonna watch the babies?) and I have to host him.  So we're going to try maybe an afternoon class next week.

Speaking of friends, this morning Erika, Pooja and I were tripletsies (is that a thing?).  Totally unplanned.  Are we in sync or what?

It seems we did learn a new band approach this week but I'm pretty tired right now and it was early in the week and now I can't remember.  What I do remember quite profoundly is that Salissa rocked my world on Tuesday leg day - it took all week for that soreness to heal.  Just in time for leg day today with Nikolette - that crazy lady had us doing SALLY LUNGES AROUND THE ROOM.  I'm certain I will never walk right again.  (FYI - that's Nikolette on the far left of the below pic).

Here's Week 8 Wacky Sock Wednesday.  We forgot to take the picture before class so this is a portion of us who stayed after class to take the shot (when we were all sweaty and gross).  I've lost all hope about winning this prestigious weekly award for creativity and participation.  Never gonna happen.

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