Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

What We're Obsessed With

In no particular order....

Easter Candy.  Duh.

Eating outside.

Taking walks around the neighborhood.  Including visiting the fishy pond the next street over.  We even take walks in the rain, we're so obsessed.

Ice cream.  No explanation required.  Who isn't obsessed with ice cream?

Digging in the garden.

Whitney poses.

Helping Daddy with the new patio preparations.

Blaze and the Monster Machines (OH how I wish we could move off of this obsession - that's the most annoying kid show ever).  I supposed I should be grateful that both kids are equally obsessed with it's nonsense and there's no fighting about watching it.

Brushing our teeth to the Disney Magic Timer - otherwise known as standing at the sink with the toothbrush in our mouth while we stare intently as the picture appears on Mommy or Daddy's phone.  

Chicken nuggets and french fries.

I don't think wearing backpacks quite qualifies as an obsession but this picture is too cute to leave out.  We ARE however obsessed with gloves which can also be seen in this photo.

These fancy silver shoes.  With a heel.  A very LOUD heel.

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