Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, May 4, 2015

Lily's First Real Bike!

We finally got Lily a real bicycle!  We've been talking about it since last summer but had wanted to wait one more season in hopes we could get the next size up bike that would then last a little bit longer.  Now that the weather seems to finally have decided to be Spring, we got her the bike.  Plus, the kids have a trike-a-thon this week and I couldn't bear the thought of Lily Long Legs riding a tricycle while all her other friends were on real bikes.  I mean her knees practically touched her ears when she road the thing.

It's a Frozen bike.  I think she likes it.

We got an 18" bike.  I read that frame size is typically for 6-9 year olds.  Sooo, yeah.

She rode it a few times over the weekend and is gaining confidence despite my lack of patience in teaching her how to ride.  In my defense, I wasn't feeling that good and so going up and down the street to catch up to her when she'd lose momentum and get stuck wasn't my idea of a good time.   But she is getting the hang of it - just needs practicing on not getting so nervous to turn that she brakes and then can't get started again if there is even the slightest of an incline. 

After the first 15 minutes on the bike, she asked Joel to remove the training wheels.  I said she needed a little more practice first and she insisted that she had practiced enough and wanted those purple wheels off. 

Tyler was asking when he was going to get a bike.  But I told him he has to ride his trike this summer and maybe next summer he can have a real bike.  Right now, he doesn't seem to understand the concept of pedaling forwards.  He just pedals backwards and then gets frustrated when he doesn't go anywhere.  

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