Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bribery and Chuck E Cheese.

Several weeks ago, in a fit of desperation caused by a really long string of pre 5:30am wake up calls delivered by one or both of the children, Joel and I offered up a deal.  An old fashioned bribe, really.  We told the kids that if they stayed in bed until 6am every day for a whole week straight, we'd take them to either Chuck E Cheese or the Kids Commons (local children's museum).

Our bribe worked and both kids have been doing really good ever since then.  Very few wake up calls before 5:30 - and if there were, it was Tyler and it was cause he had to pee and wasn't totally with it enough to go on his own and wanted help - and then he'd go right back to bed until 6 or pretty close to it.  Most mornings they were making it past 5:45.  

I'm guessing most people probably think that's still super early... and it is.  However, when you're used to waking up at 4:15am (for Farrell's in my case), 5:45am feels like you've slept half the day away.  

Anyhow, Lily has been totally on top of the fact that we promised Chuck E Cheese or Kids Commons and every few days, she'd ask when we were going to take them.  We finally made good on our promise.

The kids had a total ball.  We walked in the door, they got their tokens and each kid ran off in a different direction.  Joel followed Tyler and I followed Lily.

Lily was all about any game where she got to drive.  I think she played every single one.  

She played a few other games too and collected a few tickets.

Tyler was off having a good old time with Daddy.

Both kids, at separate times during our visit, rode this ride and showed their bravery with their "Look!  No hands!" pose.  

When Chuck E Cheese came out, Lily went and checked him out - from a safe distance.  She danced along with ol Chuck and some of the other kids.

Tyler got all up in this soccer game, grabbed the ball and was kicking it around the room - not exactly how that game was intended to be played.  Guessing he didn't get that many tickets playing it like this.

Both kids checked out the only "free" activity in the joint.  That lasted about 2 minutes.  Long enough for me to sneak in a couple games of skeeball.  

Lily was all about the photo booth.  I think she would have spent half her tokens here if I let her.

Tyler even shared his ride in the car with his sister when she had used up all her tokens.

After all the tokens were used up, we cashed in our tickets.  Feeding them to the counting machine was like a whole other game.   We had earned/found about 100 tickets which was enough for a couple of really obnoxious whistles, some stickers and a couple plastics tops.

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