Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, May 15, 2015

Mommy goes on airplane = Whitecastle for everyone else.

Why is it that these kiddos wake up at the butt crack of dawn when you don't want them to, but EVERY TIME you need them to wake up at their normal early hour, they are just snoozing away?  This kills me.  Just kills me.  These pics are from the last time I was out of town and Joel had to take them to daycare in the morning.  He has to leave at 6:15 in order to drop them off and get to work on time.  Normally they are up definitely by 6 and usually at least 5:45 at the latest.  On this day, at 6:05, still sawing logs.

A few times when I've traveled for work, Joel has taken the kids to Whitecastle for dinner.  Now, because of this sort-of tradition, at least once a week as we go past the Whitecastle on the way to daycare, one of the kids will ask me, "Mommy, when are you going on the airplane again?" (That's what we call it when I travel - cause usually it's on an airplane.)

Earlier this week, Lily saw the Whitecastle and asked me when I was going on an airplane next.  

Me:  "In a few weeks.  Why?  Are you trying to get rid of me so you can go to Whitecastle with Daddy?" 
Lily:  "NO!!"  (pause for a few seconds)  "When is Daddy going to go on the airplane?"
Tyler:  "Daddy not going on airplane.  Daddy's going on motorcycle trip."

I couldn't believe my ears.  Joel has been planning a little motorcycle trip for this weekend and we've just been talking about it between the two of us.  We hadn't specifically told the kids what was going on - but they had been around when we were discussing it.   It just blew my mind that Tyler had picked up on the conversation, understood it and relevantly brought it up in the right context.  He's 2.5!  Not 5!  Maybe this is totally normal and age appropriate and I'm just stuck in the "he's my baby" mode and not realizing that he's not actually a baby anymore. 

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