Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Graduation 2015.

The kids had their graduation program this past week.  Before the program, we treated the kiddos to chicken nuggets and french fries from McDonald's.  Meme and Papaw came up for the long weekend and met up with us.  Meme introduced the kids to her new puppy, Suki.  The kids got a real kick out of her - actually, I'm thinking the feeling was mutual.

Joel and I took a pre-program selfie.

This was the program line up.

Programs starting at 6:30pm are not really very good for Tyler.  He's usually entering his sundown period and often way too tired to be willing to follow directions and perform.

 This is one of the few pictures we got of him actually facing the front.

He spent most of the time facing backwards with his head down on the stage.

Toward the very end, he could be seen participating in the arm raising part of the song...but still facing backwards.

After his class was finished, he came to sit with us in the pew.  He was really well behaved for most of the rest of the program - just a little restless at the end.

Then it was Lily's turn.  She did great.  She sang all the songs - did all the motions - smiled and cut up with the other kids on stage.  It was adorable.

Afterwards we had cookies and punch.  Lily ran ahead with her girlfriend and when it was time to find a seat, she totally ditched us in favor of her friends.  I thought she was going to be at least 13 before this happened...

We just got settled with our cookies when Lily said she had to potty.  So we told her to go.  Of course then Tyler also pipes up and says he has to go.  So I told him to follow Sissy.  Joel, Phyllis, Jim and I just looked at each other like "Is this a good idea to let him go by himself??"  So Joel decided he better go make sure everything came out all right.  After all, we didn't have extra clothes with us.  He gets in the bathroom and Tyler had taken himself potty and was washing his hands - all by himself.  When did he grow up?

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