Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day 2015.

I had such a lovely Mother's Day weekend - the kind of weekend that makes this momma super happy because it included a great mix of relaxing, shopping, cooking, getting sh*t done around the house and of course presents.  It doesn't get much better than that.

First off, Tyler ran up to me and said, "Happy Mother's Day!"  Melted me right into a puddle.  And to top it all off, I got a little couch snuggle time with him to boot.  That doesn't happen very often so I relish in it when I get it!

Joel offered to make me Mother's Day breakfast, but I declined in favor of making it myself.  I make a bad@ss omelet and I just kinda enjoy doing it.  Served up with a side of homemade guacamole I made on Saturday and a super sweet, juicy naval orange and I was in heaven.  Can you imagine a breakfast heaven that doesn't include bacon?  Well, if there is such a thing, I found it and it's on that plate pictured.

Then it was on to presents.  Homemade Mother's Day gifts from the kiddos are simply the best gifts.  Ever.  I love all the various hand and foot print art work that I never fail to receive.

Joel has started a tradition of having the kiddos put their hand prints in a card.  He is so thoughtful (for Father's Day, I do good to make sure each kid scribbles something on the card).  It's getting harder and harder to tell the difference between Lily's and Tyler's hands!!  Next year, I may not be able to tell!

Lily is responsible for these creations:

And Tyler wins the prize for bringing me to tears with this one (thanks Miss Stina!):  

He also made me this jewelery holder - at least, that's what I decided it was perfect for.  Love it.

Is it a bit ironic that when Joel asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day, I said, "To go to Greenwood shopping BY MYSELF?"  Well, ironic or not, that's what I did on Saturday.  And it was great.  I spent a lot of money on some much needed wardrobe additions and probably a few indulgences - but let's just assume, for giggles, that it was ALL much needed.

And then, because I bought so many new clothes and our master closet is tiny, I cleaned it and pulled all the winter clothes out.  And then, because I was on a closet cleaning roll, I did the same thing to the kids closets.  I have a love hate relationship with cleaning out closets.  I HATE doing it, but I LOVE it when it's done.

We also got the garden planted which is often a Mother's Day weekend tradition.  Lily was actually a big help.  I would dig the holes and place the plant and Lily would come behind me and push dirt into the holes and make sure the plant was standing up tall.

So, see what I mean?  Got lots done but still got in some slow down time.  Perfect weekend.

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