Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

Catch Up.

Joel does such a good job of taking pictures to send to me when I am out of town.  I got these a couple weeks ago when I was in Detroit (on the worst work related car ride EVER with a totally strange individual.....long 5 hour ride to Detroit and back, let me tell you....).  

He's also so so so good about taking them to the park and/or playground when I'm gone.  I think he does this to distract them a little from the fact that I'm gone.  Whatever the reason, he's awesome for doing it.

The kiddos stayed with Grams a couple weeks back and while they were away, the kids at daycare planted grass in cups.  Lily was so sad that she didn't have a cup at school growing grass that Joel set them up with a cup at home and helped them plant grass seed.  The grass in their cups is growing like crazy.  (Wish I could say the same for the grass seed Joel planted in our yard...)

Movie day!  We saw "Home" - it was meh.  You can see from Tyler's eyes that he was a bit sleepy before we even got started.  

We celebrated Ayden's and Kenzie's birthdays the other weekend ago.  The weather forecast was predicted 80% chance of rain, but the weather gods were smiling on us and it didn't rain a drop.  The kids were able to play outside to their heart's content.  

They mostly went nuts for these power wheels.  I'm usually content and happy with the size of our yard, but we could never really make good use of a power wheels in our yard.  But it would be fun to have one.  Who am I kidding?  We'd need two.  

I have no idea why Lily is trying to tow Tyler backwards.  

Ayden has a little dirt bike.  Which Joel felt the need to ride down the road.  He doesn't look at all ridiculous on this thing.

Tyler on the other hand - looks totally cute.

And if that birthday party fun isn't enough, we had another birthday party full of fun including a ginormous jumpy house slide thing.

And a piñata.  Which all the kiddos beat senseless.  My kiddos got completely trampled and blocked when the candy finally came out.   I think they each grabbed 2 or 3 pieces of candy.  My mommy heart felt so sorry for them.  Then my mommy brain was super happy they didn't come home with a 100 pieces of candy as we still have a sizable amount of Easter candy left.

There was a little doggie there, so you can guess that Tyler was trying to pet it every chance he got (you know, in between the jumpy house, piñata and ice cream).

Ahh, to be young and able to just pass out in the car for some quick zzzzs...

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