Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, August 31, 2012

Crazy Pregnancy Dreams!

Pregnancy dreams are so vivid and real!!  Early this morning, I had a crazy dream. 

In my dream, I had twins.  A girl and a boy.  My dream starts at the point where I get home from the hospital, but I only have the baby girl with me.  A few days later, the baby boy shows up and when he does, he's HUGE (he looks 6 months old).  He's about 2x the size of the baby girl.  Seeing this ginormous boy makes me realize that I have not fed the baby girl even ONCE since she was born!  Not even in the hospital!  I start to panic because

a)  I can't believe that the hospital didn't remind me to feed my baby!
b)  I can't believe this baby girl did not cry or tell me she was hungry and I can't believe I did not remember to feed her!
c)  I'm freaking out because I'm worried I missed my window to breastfeed and that my milk will be all dried up!

So I immediately commence trying to breastfeed both babies at the same time and it's all ok because the milk starts flowing and dripping everywhere like a leaky faucet.  Neither baby knows what to do and they are getting milk all over their faces.  Then my 6 month old newborn baby boy looks at me and smiles and has TEETH.  So now I'm really freaking out cause I'm afraid he will bite me and it will hurt.  It doesn't occur to me that my newborn should not have a mouth full of teeth. 

I get both babies to nurse for like a minute and then they are done but I've still got milk spewing out everywhere. 

Then I wake up. 

Let's anlayze:
  • Apparently, I'm having a little bit of subconscious anxiety over breastfeeding?  I think the teeth thing comes from my good friend who's baby boy got his first teeth and is using them on his poor mama.
  • What's the deal with twins?  I can't explain that one.  This isn't the first time I dreamed I was having twins. 
  • The boy twin being 2x the size of the girl twin is probably my brain telling me that this boy that I'm pretty sure I'm having is, in fact, huge and will likely be bigger than Lily was. 
  • Why didn't my dream tell me the NAMES of these two babies?!?!!?  Now THAT would have been helpful.  Haha!
Now, while that dream was strange, I have to say it doesn't beat the dream I had very early in my pregnancy (about 8-10 weeks along).  After that dream, I typed it up and emailed it to Mom, Jenny and Katie.  I've decided to republish here for documentation purposes.  And to give everyone a good laugh.

So in my dream, the three of you [Mom, Jenny, Katie] and Lily, lead by Jenny went to the "Blue Dress Lady Luncheon." I guess this is the equivalent of the Red Hat Ladies only for this group everyone wears fancy blue prom-like dresses. Apparently Jenny joined this group and invited Mom and Katie to go along. And so you all invited me to come to Evansville because you wanted to take Lily with you but you didn't tell me about the Blue Dress Ladies. So somehow you tricked me into giving you Lily so you could take her (in a very fancy blue dress) to this luncheon.
Only once you all come home, dressed up in your fancy blue dresses and done up hair, do I realize that you've all gone somewhere together - without me. I was not welcome. Jenny, specifically, did not want me to wear a blue dress and come along. She told me that I did not belong in the fancy blue dress group and I would ruin everything and so she didn't tell me about. She was so flippant about it. Like I should just KNOW that I am not Blue Dress Lady material. Duh. So I got really mad and I bit her. HAHA!

So then I go after Katie to find out why she didn't tell me about the Blue Dress Lady Luncheon. And she told me to buzz off and get a life, it's just a Blue Dress Lady Luncheon, what's the big deal? I tried to punch her because it really made me mad that she was so nonchalant about the whole thing but she ran away too fast. LOL!

So then I go to Mom, absolutely hysterical, screaming at her, crying wanting to know how she could BETRAY me like this and not tell me about the Blue Dress Ladies. She said that she had too much respect for Jenny's wishes that I not be there and she promised not to tell me. Her hands were tied. Sorry. I didn't try any physical violence with Mom but I did scream and scream and cry hysterically. Mom felt a little bad for me but she still thought she did the right thing.

In addition to me not being invited, I wanted to know how you all thought you could just take MY DAUGHTER to the Blue Dress Ladies Luncheon without my permission. She's MY KID. What nerve you have to think you can take her! You all thought I was being unreasonable and way overreacting.

And then I woke up. Thank god! It was exhausting with all that screaming and crying and punching and biting!

But...then I drifted back off to sleep and entered another dream that had some leftovers of this dream involved. Namely, Jenny was still mad at me. So the timing is "present day" but "present day" is somehow like Christmas time (like it was literally Christmas in February or some nonsense). We were all somewhere strange....the room sort of had aspects like Grandma Fonner's front room (that flower couch) but also had aspects like Grandma Wittgen's kitchen (a fridge with the freezer on the bottom). I can't figure that part out. Anyhow, we've all opened presents and then Jenny tells everyone she's 7 weeks pregnant. I tried to give her a hug but she hugs me like I'm covered in pig sh*t or something and doesn't want to touch me! And then I wake up.

Weird, right???

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