Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby Boy Basham - Welcome to the World Little Buddy!

The day started like any other day. Get up, get ready, get Lily dressed and get her breakfast and take her to daycare. But then instead of going to work, I came home and tried to keep myself busy and distracted until it was tme to go to the hospital to have this baby! I wasn't feeling too nervous. Mostly I just felt HUNGRY (silly rules about no eating before major surgery....pfff)!  I did some last minute packing, took some pictures with Joel and then it was time to go!

Peanut #1
39 weeks 0 days

Peanut #2
38 weeks 4 days

Once we got to the hospital things moved fast at first but then it was a lot of waiting before the surgery. It was even a lot of waiting before they put the IV in.  With Lily they did that right away. While I was waiting I was starting to get more nervous but more about having surgery than having a baby.

Finally they came to get me and walk me to the OR. Of course I'm just wearing a hospital gown so my butt was hanging out. They draped another gown over my back but everything still felt a little too breezy for public. :)  Having surgery is not a time for modesty!

Once in the OR the anesthesiologist got started on my spinal. It's the strangest thing when you can't feel your legs and even stranger to rely on other people to move you around. Very weird experience.  Once they laid me down on my back I immediately felt nauseated so they stuffed this wedge under my right side to get the weight off of whichever major nerve it is that runs down that side of your body.

At this point the doctor still isn't in the room and neither is Joel.  My shoulders, near my collar bones, started hurting. It felt like something was crushing me.  I remembered feeling that same sensation with Lily.  I just wanted Joel to be there so he could rub my shoulders or do something to take my mind off the major discomfort I was feeling.  I started to cry.  The anesthesiologist thought I was kind of weird ...guess I came up with a complaint he'd never heard before!

But before too much longer the doc comes in and asks me if were doing a "tubal." I had no clue what he was talking about. Apparently its not uncommon on a repeat C-section for them to go ahead and tie your tubes "while they're in there."  I said I wasnt ready to say no more babies but told the doc not to ask my husband cause he might have a different answer!

About that time, Joel walks in and things start rolling.  Dr Albers was doing this delivery whereas Dr Davis had delivered Lily.  I didn't know what to expect but things were different with Dr Albers.  For one thing, Dr Albers was using an "electric knife" (his words).  It was evident something was different because I could smell my burning flesh.  Cool, eh?

I think it was also very different this time because this baby wasn't breach.  When Lily was born, she was in there wrong side up and so it took a lot of pushing around on my belly - shoving this way and that way.  I suppose to get all the appendages in order to come out that 6-7 inch incision.  This time, since the baby was head down, it mostly took a couple giant pushes from the nurse and out came baby! 

 All the while, both the doctor and the nurse keep saying, "Oh my this is a big baby. Oh boy, we got a big one. This really IS a BIG baby!" 

Once baby was out, I had to ask, "What is it??"  (Cause it totally didn't go like in the movies where the doctor proclaims the gender right away...)

The doctor and Joel said at the same time, "It's a boy!" 

Then Baby Boy Basham cried.  I cried.  It was beautiful moment.

The doctor said, "A 10 pounder for sure!"

He was right.

Then everyone asks, "Does he have a name?"

Oh sh*t, we were supposed to figure that out, weren't we??  Whoopsie!

More to come on "A Baby Story..."

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