Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hospital - Day 3 Tyler Daniel Basham

When I woke up Friday morning, I was ready to commit to a name for our new baby boy.  Whew!

Tyler Daniel Basham

What a relief!

We also had lots of visitors on the third day in the hospital!

Emily and Chris Eadler stopped by.  Chris was educating me on the various pain medicines I was taking.  : )

Stephani and Jason Hoy came in to see the little guy.

Aunt Pam and Uncle Larry also stopped in to meet our new addition to the family.

Papaw Jim finally held Tyler!

And now the not so great part.  With my C-section with Lily, I wound up with a terrible, itchy, yeast infection all along my incision due to the pain pump leaking all over me.  When all was said and done, it was 3 weeks before everything was diagnosed and sorted out and I was back to normal.  So this time, I said, if that pump leaks even ONE DROP, I'm pulling it out.  I can handle increased pain in the hospital for 3 days way more than I can handle itching for 3 weeks.

Of course, it leaked.  The nurse pulled it out the night of the surgery.  She pulled off the all the tape, except the strips over my incision.  Whew, I thought.  Crisis averted.  The nurse was nervous to take out it without doctor permission, but I assured her I had already talked to the doctors about this and they were fine with it.

However, the next morning....I was ITCHING.  NOOOOOOO!!  I had a rash.  It was awful.  I call the nurse and ask her to take a look and told her what happened last time.  She gave me the medicine I needed to treat a yeast infection and we moved on with the day.

Nope, not working.  The doctor looks at it and thinks it's a tape allergy but he doesn't know.  They prescribe an anti-histimine and tell me to put cortisone on it and I'll be fine.

Day 3.  NOT FINE.  It's getting worse and I'm going NUTS.  I had a total meltdown that afternoon, right before we got our influx of visitors.  I was begging and I mean BEGGING, for help and relief and to have this sorted out before I was sent home.

It was not.  :(

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