Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Getting adjusted

We are slowly settling in to our new routines.  Although, my mom has been here doing all the hard work like cooking and cleaning and laundry, so it's not exactly how it will be going forward.

The biggest adjustment so far, really, is Lily.  She's been on a slight regression with respect to some things ever since we started her at daycare.  Some of those things are getting worse.  Like bed time.  She seems to be scared to sleep by herself now.  She says "Mommy sit."  "Daddy sit."  She wants someone to sit with her while she goes to sleep.  This process takes 20-30 minutes, at least.  And then, if you try to sneak away too soon and she sees you, you have to start all over.  We were so spoiled before with just being able to read her a story, sing a song and leave the room.  This is the hardest thing to deal with for sure because this is the point in the day where everyone is tired and everyone's patience is at it's lowest.  We'll get through it but it's HARD.

The other thing we've got going on with Lily is I've had to introduce "Time Out."  And in a serious way this time.  She has hit her brother on two occasions.  Both times, she hit and I told her that we don't hit and we have to be nice and gentle with the baby.  Both times, as soon as the words were out of my mouth, she hit again.

Time out!

She understands now what time out is.  She doesn't want to stay there.   So I stay there with her.  So then she wants me to hold her.  Which I won't do until she finishes time out for one minute (I need to get a timer so she can understand "one minute").  The whole time, I'm explaining why she's in time out.  Afterwards, I give her a hug, tell her I love her, and then try to get her to apologize to Tyler.  We haven't had a successful apology (with words) but she doesn't launch into another attack of her brother immediately.  Also, any time we get stern with Lily for any reason (like spitting out food or jumping on the couch or whatever minor infraction) she looks at me and says "Time out!"  Very funny.

But she does love her new baby brother and wants to "hold it" all the time.


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