Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hospital - Day 2

The second day in the hospital was pretty calm.  My baby was deemed ok by the doctors and was no longer under constant watch as of the evening before.  I didn't get much sleep that brain just wouldn't shut down long enough to fall asleep in between the feedings and nurses doing their thing.

I wasn't able to keep any food down after my surgery - hard to imagine being so hungry but unable to keep it in my stomach!  I kept trying to eat, thinking, I was all better.  But I was not.  Anyhow, on day 2, I made up for it.  I was ready to eat!

Mom and Jason came up to visit.

Marie came in that evening to try to take some pictures of the little guy.  It didn't go too well.  Everybody was tired and cranky and hungry.  :)

I had spent a lot of the day trying on different names for my beautiful son.  I was still struggling.  Sigh.....we had it narrowed down to two names but I just couldn't decide.  Nurses kept on asking me if we had a name yet.  The administrator who fills out the Social Security and Birth Certificate stuff stopped by and asked me.  No pressure, but we need a name.  Gah!  Joel and I settled in one direction and I said I wanted to sleep on it one more night. 

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