Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Prayers and Potty Victory!

Today Lily told us she had to potty and she took off running for the bathroom.  I chased after her and got her on the potty.  At first, she just sat there jabbering away about Dora.  She had a book with her which was hilarious!  I was beginning to think she was just interested in sitting on the Dora seat and reading her Dora book. 

But then, she grunted a couple times and BLOOP!

I started cheering and hollering and good jobbing and high fiv-ing and then Joel came in and he started in a round of high fives.

Lily was grinning from ear to ear and she said, "I did it!!"

She also had a victory one day last week at the day care but I forget to mention it.  Ms Christina said she's the only who's managed a #2 on the potty so far.  She's showing them boys how it's done!  Now if we can get her to pee on the potty.....  :)

Another fun Lily story....tonight at dinner, Lily was just jabbering away like she usually does.  Half the time, I have no idea what she's talking about and/or she's changing subjects so much that it's impossible to follow along.  Plus we're usually interrupting her to tell her to stop talking with her mouth full or to watch what's she's doing because she's getting yogurt everywhere or to ask her to use her fork/spoon instead of her hands or whatever.  You get the picture.

But tonight, I notice that as she's jabbering, she's folded her hands and she's saying grace!  I didn't catch all the words and it was pretty broken up but she was definitely praying.  It was so cute and so precious.  And then I felt like a schmuck because we didn't teach her that.  She learned it at daycare.  I'll have to find out what they pray so we can do it at home. 


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