Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, September 17, 2012

1 Week Old (a little late)

We made it through the first week!

Eating Habits:  Breast-feeding about 8 times per day (roughly every 3 hours).  Breastfeeding is going well but working with Tyler on his latch.  It often takes 2-3 tries to get him to latch on properly, but once he's on, he's good to go!

Sleeping Habits:  He slept a lot during the first week.  Except at night.  Pretty typical.  He seems to be a good sleeper - not letting much get in the way of his shut eye.  Including his big sister grabbing him, trying to hold him or hold his hand.

I tried to think of other catergories to update on, but at this stage, all Tyler does is eat, sleep and mess himself (and I thought updates about messing himself might not be that interesting to people other than his parents who are counting dirty and wet diapers).

Lily loves to hold Tyler's hand while we're in the car.  SO cute.

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