Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

3 Weeks Old

People have been asking me if it's easier or harder this time around.  The new baby part of the second child is definitely easier than when I was on maternity leave with Lily.  I don't think Tyler is an easier baby necessarily but I'm a more experienced mom and therefore more relaxed about things.  I definitely don't get worked up over every little thing.  Plus I KNOW that it gets better and that eventually I WILL get to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time! 

However, having two kids is most definitely harder than one! Lily does pretty good with Tyler but we do have to watch her pretty closely.  Otherwise Tyler could be fed grapes or fruit snacks or he could be "loved" a little too tightly or he might make a new friend named Dora or Ellie who happens to be hanging out on his face!

I don't think we're really seeing any jealousy issues cropping up with Lily. She had started throwing those tantrums before Tyler was born and I don't think they have gotten any worse. In some ways she's gotten a little better now that things are calming down around here and we're developing a new normal routine.  Lily definitely does better when there's a schedule/routine.  I'm heading to Evansville next week for the Fall Festival (can't miss that!!) and I hope that she doesn't get too off kilter such that we have to start all over again when we get back home.

Joel and I definitely have to divide and conquer in order to get all the bases covered (cooking dinners, baths, feedings, POTTY TRAINING, playing, laundry).  I am dreading the thought of doing all this and working full time. Thankfully I have 9 more weeks before I have to deal with that! I have a brand new appreciation for my Mom and the fact that she had a handicapped child plus 3 more ages 3 and under. She's good. She managed to raise all of us without going off the deep end AND none of us are too messed up!

Tyler - 3 weeks old already!

Eating habits:  about 7-8 times a day.  We seem to be sort of falling into a schedule but it definitely flexes up to an hour either way.  Especially because at least once a day, Tyler only makes it 2 hours between feedings.  But we revolve roughly around a 7am - 10am - 1pm - 4pm - 7pm - 10pm - 1am - 4am.  It's kind of nice having a rough schedule because it makes it easier for me to plan my day.  But I don't force the schedule at all.  I "demand" feed Tyler.  If he's hungry, he eats.  If he's sleeping, I generally don't wake him up to eat.

Sleeping habits: each day we seem to progress with a little more awake time.  He's napping pretty well and not doing too bad at night.  The biggest sleep challenge we have with him is after the ~10pm feeding, he sometimes doesn't want to sleep and then it's midnight before we get him back down. Joel and I have taken turns but it makes for a VERY short night when I don't get to bed til midnight and then Tyler's back up at 1 to eat again and then again at 4 and then Lily's up at 6:30 and it's time to start the day.

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