Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

2 Weeks Old

We made it through 2 weeks!

Eating Habits:  Breastfeeding about 7-8 times a day (roughly every 3-3.5 hours).  Tyler is a very different eater than Lily was.  Lily learned to latch immediately out of the womb (we're still working on Tyler's latch) and she would eat fast and furious for about 5 minutes (if that) and then she would slow way down and take her merry time.  It would easily take 20-25 minutes per side to feed her.  With Tyler, once I get him latched on good (may take a couple minutes), he goes to town and eats furiously until he's done - usually 10-15 minutes per side - at which point he spits me out.

Sleeping Habits:  Tyler's still sleeping at lot during the day and he's doing much better at night.  For the most part, he goes right back down now after I feed him.  Sometimes not, but he's content in the swing so I'll sometimes put him in there and go back to bed.  Not ideal, but I need my rest too.  Which brings me to another point.  I suck at sleeping.  I'm still only getting a couple hours a night but it's not because of Tyler.  I just can't sleep.  Boo.

Awake Time:  We're starting to get more smiles and facial expressions out of Tyler during his awake time. 

We are usually able to keep him awake for up to an hour after at least 2 of the day time feedings. We're lucky to keep him awake any time at all for most of the other day time feedings. We are trying to follow a pattern of:

1) Eat
2) Awake
3) Sleep

We did this with Lily and I think it really paid off as she got older.  For one thing, she never got used to needing to eat in order to fall asleep.  It's hard enough being a breastfeeding Mom and being the only one who can feed the baby.  It becomes even harder if you're also the only one who can put him to sleep too.  So anyway, this is the pattern I will keep working on while I'm on maternity leave.  We don't have a schedule....that might come a little later.  I was never really successful to have a schedule with Lily while I was on maternity leave.  We'll see if that changes with Tyler but it's too early to worry with it right now.

In Lily news, she's been doing somewhat better at going to bed at night.  Joel's been on bedtime duty because it usually falls around when Tyler's hungry.  Unfortunately, the last two nights, Lily got up during the night, crying for Mommy and Daddy.  Not sure why.  The first time, it took Joel over an hour and half to get her to go back to sleep.  Last night, it was only about 15 minutes. 

In the last two weeks, Lily's developed a new favorite word:  "MINES."  Everything is "mines."  The daycare teacher even made a note of it on her weekly report!  : )  Funny except when whatever it is that she claims is hers, is, in fact, NOT hers. 

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