Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Last night was a night to hopefully never repeat. Lily tested every ounce of patience I have. Which, with limited sleep, isn't much. She woke up at 2am and didn't want to go back to sleep. Joel sat with her for about 45 minutes and she was all quiet and presumably back to sleep. However while he was sitting with her Tyler woke up to eat. So I got up to feed him. Joel had snuck out of Lily's while I was feeding. He can't shut Lily's door because that would wake her up again.  Unfortunately when I was done feeding Tyler, Lily heard me leave his room and she started screaming again. I ignored it hoping she would calm down and go back to sleep. I told Joel to put in ear plugs and get some sleep. About this time Lily got out of bed and was standing at her door crying. I decided to try to let her cry it out. 45 minutes later (now 3:45am) she's still standing at her door screaming. So I give in and go in her room to sit with her. I sat there til 4am at which point she's snoring so I successfully sneak out. I go back to bed and finally fall asleep around 4:30. At 4:40 I hear Lily standing in the hall outside out room crying. At this point I lose it. I march her back to her bed and beg her to go to sleep.  She just cries. At 5am Joel must have heard both of us crying and comes in and tells me to go to bed. Of course there's little point because Tyler is going to wake up in 30 minutes to eat. But i go lay down and leave Joel to deal with Lily. Sure enough at 5:30 Tyler wakes up to eat so I get back up and Joel and Lily are not in Lily's room. They are watching TV in the living room. I guess Joel gave up trying to get her to sleep. So I had Joel take her to daycare at 6:30. She had been up since 2. I'm sure she was a real delight today.

I took her to the playground after I picked her up this afternoon for some one on one time so that was nice. But when we got home around 5:30 she went in to meltdown mode and then screamed for the next hour- right through dinner and right through her bath. Joel finally got her to calm down and the last hour was pleasant.  Joel's putting her to bed right now and I'm praying down on my hands and knees for a peaceful night. PLEASE please please let her sleep all night. Please.

This will get better. This will get better. This will get better. Before I'm 60.

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha.... it's all so funny and not funny because I've lived it too. I think we all have and will. Life is like a roller coaster, ups and downs! Hang in there!
