Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, October 1, 2012

To sleep or not to sleep

**I typed this up at 1am this morning but for some reason my phone didn't publish it.**

We seem to have regressed a bit on Tyler's sleeping habits. Suddenly this boy has confused night time with day time. This whole weekend he wanted to sleep all day even when Joel pestered the ever lovin daylights out of him (stripped him naked, put a cold wash cloth on him, tickled him, blew on his belly, etc). He still wanted to sleep through it all. Now here we sit at midnight WIDE awake. I tried leaving him in the swing. Not having it. Tried the vibrating bouncy seat. Nope, just cries. So, we rock. And we blog.

He's doing the eyes rolling to the back of the head trick so maybe it won't be long and I can put him to bed (and keep him there).

Good thing he's so cute.


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