Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5 Weeks Old!

Tyler's 5 weeks old today!  He's doing great!

Go Boilers!
Eating Habits:  Sigh...still eating every 3 hours with some 2 hour intervals thrown in for good measure.  The one 5 hour interval we had late last week seems to have been a one time thing.  :(  I think by now, Lily was doing 5 hour intervals at night regularly.  I'm trying not to get myself too panicked about how well he'll be sleeping when I have to go back to work....that's still 7 weeks away.  A lot will change in that time (right?!?!).

Sleeping Habits:  We're doing pretty good at the Eat - Awake - Sleep pattern.  It works well unless I'm on the go during the day.  In that case, Tyler sleeps a lot.  We still struggle sometimes getting Tyler to go to sleep directly after the ~10pm feeding.  That can be frustrating but if he's going to give me trouble after one of the night time feedings, I'd rather it be that one than the 1am feeding!

Awake Time:  Tyler's pretty good at staying awake for about an hour after he eats during the day time.  We've starting putting him on the play mat and he seems to like looking at the lights and listening to the music. Big sister Lily seems to think she needs to lay down there with Tyler though which sometimes makes my nerves raw.  She can be so rough with him that we really have to watch every second.  We're also starting to see some improvements in head control.  Not too much longer and I think he'll be ready for the Bumbo!

I made my first visit to Evansville with both kids and survived the drive to and from!  I was able to schedule my departure times around feedings and nap time so both kids slept the whole way there and back which made for a nice peaceful drive.  The trip to Evansville is about as far as I can go without having to stop to feed Tyler so really it's a perfect distance for solo travel.  Any further and it would a lot more difficult.

While in Evansville, we went to the Fall Festival - four times.  Yep.  Four times.  I only gained 3 pounds!  Not too shabby given that I'm pretty sure I ate my way up and down Franklin Street every time we went!  Ha!  Tyler went with me each time (he's easy to take along!) and we took Lily for the pet parade which she really enjoyed (mas doggies?!). 

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