Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, October 8, 2012

Latest Lily-isms

Lily has really increased her talking in the last couple weeks and it's so fun and entertaining to listen to her (although also hard to see my little baby girl get replaced by this grown up baby girl!).  She's growing up before my very eyes.  I just wanted to take a minute to write down some of the fun things she's up to.
  • Lily calls Tyler "brud-her" most all of the time.  It's brud-her this and brud-her that.  Sometimes she calls him by name but mostly it's brud-her.
  • She's completely obsessed with holding Tyler's hand in the car.  If she can't get to his hand, she yells "Hand!  HAND!!  HAAANNNDDDDD!!!" until I make Tyler's hand accessible to her.  I just hope that she isn't back there squeezing it too hard!
  • She's also remembering things for longer periods of time. Like if she saw a "boo boo" on Mommy's leg three days ago, she'll point to it today and say "Mommy boo boo all better."  Also, I told her we were going to Grams house and she asked "Swimming?  Water?" So she remembered that at Grams' house she gets to go swimming.  Then I had to explain that it was too cold to go swimming.  She was not happy about that.
  • "Yeah"  - this is Lily's FAVORITE new word.  Everything is "yeah."  She'll ask a question and answer it herself with "yeah."
    • Watch-a Dora?  Yeah.
    • Lily eat?  Yeah.
    • Pizza time?  Yeah.
    • Potty.  Yeah.  (That's a statement not a question - although she rarely goes even though we make a mad dash for the bathroom - which is sometimes every 5 minutes)
    • Bye-bye?  Yeah.
    • Stay here?  Yeah.
    • Lily's couch.  Yeah.  (why she thinks it has to be HER couch, I'll never know)
  • She puts herself in Time Out.  Any time we say something to Lily in even a slightly stern voice, she'll look at us and say "Time Out."  Sometimes, she then goes and takes herself to Time Out.  When we were at Grams house (where she had never been put in time out), she invented the Time Out location all on her own.  Hilarious!

Potty training is going ok.  She's starting to get the concept and is going more often on the potty.  However we have A LOT more false alarms than we have actual pottying going on.  She has recently just started taking off for the bathroom at a full run and pulls her pants down and then yells for someone.  MAMA!!  DADDY!!  We race back there and put her on the potty and 2 seconds later she's wants to get down - with no potty event having taken place (and then five minutes later we repeat the whole thing).  Then it's "Wash Hands!" I have gotten to the point to where I don't let her wash her hands unless she actually goes to the bathroom because she was basically faking the need to potty just so she could wash her hands.  Sigh.

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