Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, October 22, 2012

Funny Pre-two Lily Annecdotes

A funny conversation with Lily the other day:
(in the car, on the way home from daycare....)

Lily:  I did it!  Booger out. 
Me:  Booger out?
Lily:  Yeah, booger out.
Me:  Where did you put that booger?
Lily: In ear.
Me (while trying not to wreck the car):  SNORT SNORT LAUGH!

As I got to thinking about it, maybe she said "In here" and not "In ear" but I really don't know.  Either way, when I turned around to look at her after she said it, her finger was in her ear.  So, regardless of what she said, it seems to me that she likely stuck a booger in her ear.  At least she didn't eat it!!  Haha!!


The other day, I dropped Lily off at daycare and two of the little boys were in the middle of a heated discussion.  This is how it went:

Boy #1:  My Daddy.
Boy #2:  MY Daddy.
Boy #1:  My DADdy!
Boy #2:  My DADDY!
Lily:  MY DADDY!!  (she had to get in on the action)

I guess this was the 2-year-old version of "My Daddy is better than your Daddy"  - haha!  Ms Stina said they do this all the time. 

Lily has a new favorite word: Okay!

Only it comes out like "OH kay!" Like it's two separate words. She's replaced about 50% of her "yeah" responses with Oh-kay. It's unbelievably cute.


She says "mecidine" instead of "medicine" - we've corrected her a hundred times but it's like her brain doesn't realize that what she's saying is different than what we're saying. It's actually kind of catching....I accidentally said it a few times. Ha!

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