Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Put on my big girl panties....

This morning was an interesting morning with miss Liliana!  She woke up a little whiny this morning and throwing a mild tantrum.  She didn't want to take off her jammies and didn't want her pull up changed. 

During this fit, her brud-her woke up so I abandoned trying to convince Lily that she really didn't want to keep wearing 4 pounds of pee-pee to attend to him.  I got him up and changed and starting feeding him and then Lily decided her new fit would be that she wanted me to "hold you."  Now, it's a pretty interesting game of Twister to try to sit in the rocking chair to breastfeed Tyler while he's on the boppy pillow on my lap AND to try to hold Lily.  I have a big lap but it ain't THAT big.  But we managed a sort of "hold"which was enough to keep her settled down for a few minutes.

After feeding Tyler, I tried again to get Lily to change her clothes.  She took her jammies off but then decided she DID NOT want to wear a pull up today.  She wants to wear "underwears."  NO WAY, NO HOW was she going to wear that pull up.  I'm practically sitting on her trying to get it on.  She wants UNDERWEARS!!!!  I'd get one leg in a hole and then before I'd get the second leg in, she'd have the first leg pulled out.  All the while, she's screaming her head off.  It was so fun.


I can't let her go sans pull up just yet because I still needed to shower and such before taking her to daycare and I didn't want her to go that long "unsupervised" with no pull up on.  She's never worn just underwear before.

So I decided to abandon her again because I thought if I stayed, I was going to pull out all my hair and/or give her a whoopin'.  I went off to the kitchen to get her some cereal and milk thinking I could calm her down with breakfast.  When I get back to her room, she has taken her clothes for the day and her pull up and her underwears to Tyler's room and is lying on his floor crying into her clothes. 

I show her I have cereal and milk and she calms down and lets me put on the pull up with the underwears over the top.

So while I'm showering, I decide that today is going to be the day that we try underwear at school.  Since she was SO determined to wear them, she must be ready.  So I pack up a bunch of underwear and extra pants to take to daycare.

Ms Christina is very excited to try the underwear thing with Lily and says they'd try the morning with no pull up on.  Well apparently she did great all morning and didn't wet her underwear!  Of course for nap they put her back in a pull up and were going to leave her in that for the afternoon (the kids rotate teachers in the afternoons every 20 minutes so it's too hard for the afternoon teachers to deal with the newly underweared kid).  But whoever got Lily after her nap and did her pottying ended up putting her back in underwear and she did great all afternoon. 

That baby came HOME in the SAME clothes she went to daycare in on her first day of UNDERWEAR!!

YES!  My little pee-pee prodigy.

So as soon as she gets home, I take her to the potty and she goes.  EXCELLENT!  We are on a roll!

I kept her in her underwear.  Bet you can guess where this story is going......

About 20 minutes later, Joel and I are in the kitchen and Lily comes in. 

Mama!  I poopy!


That baby girl had peed down her leg and had a huge ol' mess o'turds in her underwears.  Watching her walk to the bathroom was HILARIOUS (but I was a good Mama and only laughed on the inside).  She was not a fan of that poop in her drawers.  Hopefully, she'll remember that and choose to go in the potty next time.  Right?

Anyway, I'm still super proud of her first day in underwear, but I hope that the number of times that I have to clean up turds out of underwears is limited.  Like, once is totally enough. 

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