Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What? 4 Weeks Old Already?

I really can't believe Tyler's already four weeks old!!  The time is really flying by!

Eating habits:  Still eating about 8 times a day, roughly every 3 hours.  Sometimes 3.5 hours and usually at least one 2 hour interval each day (although Monday, he cluster fed all afternoon - every 2 hours:  3 - 5- 7 - 9).  At night, he's like a little alarm clock and it's almost 3 hours to the minute that he wakes up to eat!  The spit up has officially started in earnest now.  Yuck. 

Sleeping habits:  Per my post earlier this week, we had a rough time over the weekend with lots of daytime sleeping and not enough night time sleeping.  So far this week, it's been a little better but I've been working hard to keep him awake quite a bit during the day. 

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