Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

7 weeks old!

It seems cliche to say that time is flying but it totally is!  Tyler is 7 weeks old today - unbelievable.

Eating Habits:  we're still having the bowel issues which I believe leads to funny eating habits.  Tyler eats about 8 times per day still but he tends to space his day time feeds out to ~4 hours and then his afternoon/evening feeds are 2 hours apart.  Sometimes, I feel like all I'm doing in the evenings is nursing.

Sleeping habits:  we were doing really good there for several days in a row of having 4+ hours between night time feeds and I was really convinced we were starting a new trend.  There was even a 5.5 hours span last Friday night!  It was heaven (until he didn't go back to sleep after the 3:30 feeding until 5am).  But the last couple nights, we moved back to eating every 3 hours during the night.  Sigh.  I'm starting to feel mild panic set in over the thought of only getting 4-5 hours of sleep (spread over several intervals) when I go back to work.  I'm holding on the fact that I have 5 more weeks before going back to work and a lot can and will change in 5 weeks.  It will.  It really will.  Right????

Awake time:  well this is tough.  During the day, Tyler's awake time is often limited.  He tends to sleep a lot in his car seat because any time I go anywhere, he falls asleep.  But if he is awake during the day, he's usually only happy for a short interval and then he gets fussy.  And typically, from about 4pm onward, he stays awake most of the evening with short little 15 cat naps.  And when he's not having a cat nap, he's crying.  I really thought it was tied to his bowels but he's even doing this on the days where he has a ginormous poopy diaper and in theory should be feeling great.  It's tiring when your baby is crying and you can't seem to figure out what's wrong.  Sigh.  I keep trying to remember if Lily did this (and I think she did to a certain extent) so that I can have hope to hang on to that it doesn't really last that long.  I don't remember this much fighting with her after I went back to work so maybe it won't last that much longer with Tyler.  It sucks when your only tool is TIME.  Makes you feel helpless.

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