Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

6 weeks old!

Today Tyler is 6 weeks old!

Eating Habits:  Still eating about 8 times/day but the distribution is changing.  He is starting to have a little bit longer intervals at night but he's making up for it by having short intervals in the late afternoon/evening.  Also, he's only having a dirty diaper every 2.5- 3 days.  So the farther we get from a dirty diaper, the harder it is for me to get Tyler to stay interested in taking a full feeding.  So he ends up taking more frequent, smaller feeds.  I hate that for the poor guy cause by late day 2 or day 3, he's clearly uncomfortable and straining and farting like a middle aged man!

Sleeping Habits:  Still having a lot of success with Eat - Awake - Sleep.  I did get two nights in a row with two four hour intervals and not much trouble getting Tyler back to sleep after feeds.  So that made for a couple good nights' sleep for Mama!  Hopefully we are starting a new trend!

Awake Time:  awake time is getting a little weary for us.  Tyler's been really fussy during awake time for the past couple weeks (may be tied to the bowel issues??).  His fussiness increases as the day wears on.  In the mornings, he's pretty content to sit or lay by himself.  However, as the day wears on, he wants to be held, bounced, vibrated, walked, left alone, picked up, rocked, talked to, etc etc.  Sometimes, I feel like I'm just working my way through a checklist to figure out what it is that will make him happy or at least not cry until he eventually he wears himself out and falls asleep.  I handle this part ok but Joel gets really frustrated.  He gets upset when he can't "fix it" and he thinks I have the magic touch.....I don't, I am just being more patient until I find the right button to push! 

But Joel truly does have magic abilities...he's the Lily whisperer!  Over the last month, Joel has been successful at getting Lily to return to her previous bedtime routine where she goes to sleep on her own without needing someone to sit in the room with her!  Yay!!  Way to go Daddy!

Just for's the two kiddos both at 6 weeks old:

In case it's not obvious:
Lily - Left
Tyler - Right
And now the sad part of 6 weeks marks the halfway point of my maternity leave.  BOO!

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