Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, August 10, 2012

We're going to need a bigger fridge!

Lily's first week at daycare is officially done.  For the most part, I think that this will be a good experience for Lily and will be a good thing for her "social game."  (We watch too much reality TV...) 

This morning was a bit hard to drop her off.  When we pulled up to the daycare she started saying softly, "No.  No.  No.  No."  Over and over.  Just "no."  She was kind of whispering/whining it.  She kept right on saying it as I signed her in and we found the staff members.  Then she hung on to my neck for dear life and wouldn't let go.  It nearly broke my heart and I was ready to run out of there with her and go do something fun!  I know she's fine as soon as I leave but it sure doesn't make it easy to drop her off.

Also, we are already noticing differences in Lily.  For example:
  1. She's very clingy and crabby in the late afternoon / early evening hours.  You can't get 2 feet away from her before she bursts into tears as though someone has just pinched her. 
  2. She seems to be STARVING when she gets home.  More than before.  She goes to the fridge every 15 minutes wanting something else to eat.  If we don't give it to her, we have another meltdown on our hands.  Therefore, we are going through drinkable yogurt like candy just to maintain our sanity. 
  3. That of course leads to even crappier dinner eating habits.  As in, she doesn't want to eat any.  Or at least is not happy with anything we put on her plate unless it's applesauce or some other fruit that she is craving.  Sigh.
  4. She's H-Y-P-E-R!  She runs around hollering and laughing (somewhat wickedly!).  She's climbing even more than before on chairs and working her way up to the kitchen table.  Sometimes that crazy behaviour is cute and sometimes it's downright SCARY!!
It's hard telling what's really the cause of some of these things.  Lack of adequate nap?  Not enough 1:1 attention?  Or maybe hanging out with FOUR boys all day?  : )  Or, as Joel says, maybe she's just getting older and changing.  Who knows?

The bright side is that Ms Christina (Stee-na) says that Lily is such a happy girl and gets along well with all the other kids and all the teachers.  So we're doing something right!

We have a budding artist on our hands.  We're going to need a bigger fridge!

Eating ice cream with Daddy after school today:

I've just put Lily to bed in the big girl bed.  This is our first time at a second attempt!  She went down with no problems - no tears, no screaming, no scrambling out of bed.  I loaded up the bed with ALL her stuffed animals so that maybe the bed would feel smaller to her.  Could be that she's in there right now playing with all those animals instead of going to sleep and that's why there's no crying!  Wish us luck for a drama free night!

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