Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, August 24, 2012

Drumroll Please!

We saw little Peanut #2 today!  Apparently, I have been busy cooking up another big 'ol baby.  All the measurements that the doctor took were in the 90th + percentile.  The measurement of the femur was in the 97th percentile!  After we were all done and Joel stood up, the doctor was reminded of how tall Joel is and he said that 97th percentile makes good sense!

The weight estimate came in at 8lbs 2oz.  If you recall from my post a couple weeks ago, that's the same size that Lily was estimated at.  However, I was 38 weeks along when that estimate was taken (and one week later she was born at 9lbs 10oz).  This time, I'm only 36w6d and the baby is already measuring 8lbs 2oz.  So if we talk in relative terms, it would seem this baby is on track to be even bigger than Lily was.  However, we still have the inaccuracy factor of ultrasounds, so who really knows?

The good news is that the baby is head down so at least that keeps VBAC on the table (for a little while longer)!

The doctor's advice was that if I went in to labor naturally within the next week, it would be reasonable to consider going ahead and attempting VBAC.  If I don't go in to labor within the next week, the baby is going to be huge, and he would suggest we go ahead with a C-section.  So at this point, we have gone ahead and schedule the C-section at ~39 weeks and it will be on:

September 6, 2012

If I go in to labor between now and then, we'll likely still do a C-section, but we can make that decision 'on the fly.' 

We don't know the time of the surgery yet.  We won't find that out until probably next Wednesday or Thursday.  PLEASE, OH PLEASE everyone pull for me to get a morning surgery time!!!

One more fun tidbit from the ultrasound today.  At one point, the doctor kind of stops moving the ultrasound thingie around and glances down at the DVD player (they typically record the ultrasounds) and says:

"Oh good, I wasn't recording. I just saw the sex of the baby but since I wasn't recording this, you won't be tempted to go home and try to figure it out later."

Joel and I were glued to the screen the whole time and neither one of us saw a thing.  The late term ultrasounds are so impossible to see much of anything so it amazes that the doctor could tell.  But I guess it's kind of his job so....anyhow, all you nosy nellies, there is now someone out there that knows!  He might take bribes.  : )

Time to get SERIOUS about picking out names. 

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