Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, August 9, 2012

We've Got a Floater!

"We've got a floater!"

That's what Joel hollers to me as I'm taking a few minutes to relax on the couch after dinner tonight while he's giving Liliana a bath.


So I holler back, "You need help?"

"Uh yeah, I reckon!"


He's pulled Lily out of the tub and rewashed her.  I swoop in to take her to get dressed and leave Joel to deal with mess in the bathtub!  Hey, seeing as how bath duty is usually mine, I've cleaned up my fair share of floaters.  This one's ALL HIS! 

So as I'm getting Lily's pajamas on, Joel comes up with a "brilliant idea."  Starting tomorrow, we're having someone come in to help us with the house cleaning.  I'm sure you can guess what this brilliant idea of Joel's was....

Welcome to our home!  Thank you so much for agreeing to help us and make our lives easier!  Oh, that?  In the bath tub?  Hmm, how did THAT get there?  Gosh, I have no idea!  Toddlers!  You just never know what you're going to find!

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