Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Thank you Saldivar Family!

Friday was the last day with Lily's current babysitter Maria (and Ruben and Leo and Alex and Isa). Lily really loved it over there and became a part of their family this summer. Lily's lucky enough to have two more families out there who care about her and make her happy!

I tried taking some snapshots on my phone of Lily saying goodbye to everybody but a) I'm a crappy photographer and b) you have to be some kind of miracle worker to get a good shot of a toddler with a phone camera!

Hugging Isa.....

And Alex....
And Leo!

I think Lily is really going to miss seeing them every day but she's going to make new friends at "school" and hopefully she'll adjust again quickly.

Thank you Saldivars!

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