Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Couple Small Victories and a LOT of Tantrums

We've had a somewhat busy week this past week and it's been exhausting for many reasons!  Last Saturday, we had a photo shoot with Marie.  I desperately wanted some updated family pictures (we have ZERO family pictures since January when Lily turned 1 - UNACCEPTABLE) and some nice pregnancy shots (if you call pictures of me in my giant swollen state "nice").  The night before, Joel and I were both dreading it.  DREADING. IT.  Neither one of us particularly likes to have our picture taken and we knew that Lily would likely challenge us and it was all so tiring to even think about much less DO.

But we did it!  And Marie did a great job!  During the photo shoot, Lily behaved as expected.  ATROCIOUSLY.  She is 19 months old, so I'm going to cut her a little slack.  I was pretty sure there was no way Marie could have gotten any good pictures seeing as how we were not cooperating very well for her as a family.  But somehow, she did it.  She got a lot of good ones and I can't wait to get my hands on them and print them out and hang them up everywhere! 

Sunday was pretty laid back.  Typical Walmart day and such.  Lily was very good on Sunday.  My lovely, well mannered child was back and that was nice!  I made the following craft for Lily's room - another Pinterest find.  It looks blue in the picture but it's purple to match her room.  It's a wooden letter wrapped in yarn with a couple crocheted flowers I made.

L is for Lily!
 Then we started our normal Monday routine, and Lily the devil child re-emerged!  She's been having these trantrums like crazy.  Screaming and hollering.  Wants picked up.  Wants put down. Wants a yogurt.  No, not that yogurt, but the other yogurt that's exactly like the first yogurt she discarded.  Wants outside, wants back inside.  Wants a bath.  Wants to get out.  Read a story.  No not that one, this one.  No not this one, that one.  Fix my hair.  No don't fix my hair.  FIX IT.  ELLIE!  ELLIE!  Then throws Ellie across the room.  On and on and on.  This has been our nightly routine (and sometimes, when I'm really lucky, we do this in the mornings too) all week long.  Sigh.  Too early for terrible twos and the new baby isn't even here yet so this shouldn't be jealousy/attention rebellion.  What happened to my sweet baby?!

But not to fear.  She's still pretty stinkin cute.  On the way home from daycare today she was singing:
"A  B  C  D  H  I  J   LMNO  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  andZ" 

She sang it probably 10 times and said the same letters each time.  I wish I could have gotten it on video but I was driving and I couldn't get her to do it again when we got home.  Bummer. 

Also, they have officially started potty training at daycare this week.  Yesterday, Lily had a victory!  Yay!

Meme and Papaw sent Lily some mail.  She was excited to OP-EN-IT!


Dora Stickers!!!!

Now, we're all decored with Dora stickers.  I'm currently sporting about 12 on my legs, belly and laptap.  Joel's not as lucky, he's only got 2.  : )  The couch has also been recovered.  This baby loves stickers!

Tuesday we had our PrePARE visit at the hospital.  This is where we get registered and they document our "birth plan" and other wishes.  And also tell us all the hospital rules.  And tell us how to take care of newborn.  This is when it really starts to get real that the baby is coming soon!  This was another time where Lily was throwing tantrums like crazy.  The nurse who was talking to us was pretty patient.  We kept bribing Lily with grapes and fruit snacks and ice and milk and post-its (yes I said post-its) to keep her busy, but she was insistent on being loud.  Sigh.  The nurse just kept talking right over the top of her, completely unphased.  She said she has 5 grandchildren and she's used to it.  : )  Whew.

And tomorrow is the ultrasound!  It seems like I've been waiting for this day FOR-EH-VER.  I've been having so much back and abdominal pain that I'm finding myself hoping they will determine this baby is huge and just schedule me for a C-section at the safest, earliest possible time!  So more to report tomorrow!

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