Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, August 27, 2012

For the love of pete...these tantrums are going to break me!

We had a pretty laid back weekend at the Basham household (unless you're Joel - he spent about 8 hours mowing grass on Saturday, poor fella).  Lily was really well behaved most of the weekend which was a nice change from the tantrums!

But alas, today is Monday, so we were back to tantrum city.  Tantrum at dinner:  Lily couldn't decide which chair she wanted to sit in and screamed no matter which chair we tried to put her in and would want to sit in a different chair only to start screaming for the chair she just got out of.  I attempted time  She kept running away.  Although later in the evening, she walked over to where I had put her and said "Sit there.  Cry."  Ha!  I didn't tell her to sit in time-out and cry so that's not what she meant.  I think she was just remembering that she was sitting there, crying.  In order to remedy the dinner tantrum, Joel was the patient parent and took Lily outside for a walk in the backyard.  When they came back about 5 minutes later, she was calm. 

Then we had a meltdown at bedtime. When Joel took her to bed, she screamed the whole way to her room "Mommy do it!  MOMMY DO IT!"  Then she screamed, I mean blood curdling screams, the whole time Joel was changing her diaper and clothes.  He tried to read her a story but she just kept right on screaming.  So I went back to give it a go and after a few minutes of singing every song I could think of, she finally calmed down and we read a story.  Then sang a few more songs.  Then she went to sleep.  THANK GOD.  Joel and I are taking turns being the patient parent.  We're a good team.  And we're exhausted. 

On Sunday, the neighbors had a jumpy thing blown up and all the neighbor girls came over and rang the doorbell and asked if Lily could come out and play.  How cute is that?!  They range in age from probably about 5 to 12. 

Very timid at first, but then Daddy went in with her and she took off!


As of Saturday, I'm 37 weeks pregnant.  Below are my comparison shots between the two pregnancies.  I think I look a little bit smaller in the belly this time around (however, my feet look HORRIBLE in that second pic!).  As a side note, my weight gain did slow down in the last 2 weeks so I'm probably back on track to gain about this same this time as last time. 

Peanut #1
37 weeks 2 days

Peanut #2
37 weeks 0 days

T-minus 10 days!

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