Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, August 17, 2012

She's got two left feet

I've been working on a knitted baby blanket for the past couple months for the new baby.  I know, I know.  I've already mentioned one blanket for the new what gives?  Well I really wanted to make a quilt for the baby because quilts were kind of my thing and I wanted to keep that up.  BUT knitting is my new crafting love.  I learned how when I was on maternity leave with Lily because I thought it would be a good hobby that could be picked up and put down with ease.  If I had 5 minutes to work on it, great!  There wasn't much to have to get out and set up so it was easy!

Anyway, here is the knitted blanket that I've finished up!

And a close up:

I'm pretty happy with it - just don't look too close or you'll see all the mistakes.  :-P

After I finished the blanket, I had just a little bit of yarn left so I found a pattern for baby booties and thought I'd whip those up real quick.  And they did go together pretty fast....except for two little problems.

1)  They might fit a premie.  MIGHT.  I really need to not be so lazy and double check my gage before I get into a project.

2)  I accidently made two left feet.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Seriously, only I would do that.  I would be REALLY ticked off at my mistake if they weren't already screwed up and most definitely too small for any child born from me and Joel.  I'm sure they will fit one of Lily's dolls and we'll be sure not to use them to teach Lily right from left.  Ha!!

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