Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Trigger Happy" Tears

I got a call from the doctor's office yesterday morning to inform me of my appointment time for the c-section. Unfortunately the hospital was all booked up on 9/6 and the operating room schedule is a little crazy next week due to the holiday on Monday....soooo....they moved the surgery up to Wednesday 9/5! Ahhhh! I am happy to say that the appointment time is for 12pm and I have to be there at 10am!  I'll take it!  That's so much better than a 5pm surgery time like they gave me with Lily.

Unfortunately, this news sent me in to a full on panic attack and I spent the better part of yesterday trying not to cry while sitting in meetings.  :(  I think having a firm date and surgery time just made it very real and I began to panic about EVERYTHING.  And I really mean everything.  I'm going to blame pregnancy hormones because most of what I was worrying about, I shouldn't have been worrying about.  Jenny helped "talk me down" and I'm bit calmer today (but still a little twitchy and trigger happy with the tears - ha!).

In Lily news (I'll spare you the latest tantrum story....), she has finally started getting out of bed on her own without me telling her she can get up.  She gets out of bed and usually brings Ellie and Dora with her so her hands are full.  Then she stands in front of her bedroom door and yells "Get out?!  Mommy?  Get out?!  Daddy?  Get out?!"  She can open doors, but apparently she's not willing to put Ellie and Dora down so that she has free hands to open the door.  So funny.  We'll have to see how long it takes her to figure out all she has to do is put them down for just a second and then she can free herself. 

In Peanut #2 news....we still don't have names picked out.  Well if it's a girl, we might be ok.  But I'm still pretty sure this is a boy, so I take no comfort in having a girl name somewhat sorted out.  Why is this so hard?!?!?!  No one be surprised if this kid is called "baby" for 24-72 hours after birth.....

On the plus side, I did order diapers today for the new baby!  Yes!  Now I just need to think through all the other things that I need to make sure we take care of this weekend (washing baby clothes, sterilizing pacifiers, what else??).

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