Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, August 13, 2012

What a sap!

It's an eye opening experience when you get a chance to observe your child when they don't know you're watching. 

This morning, I dropped Lily off at daycare and she started in the with the "No.  No.  No." as soon as I pulled up to the building.  So I told her that she was going to see all her friends today and Ms Christina and it would be fun.  She said, "Friends?  Fun?"  So cute.

But when we got in the door she didn't want to stay.  She still had some cereal and milk left which she was munching on for the ride to daycare and the teacher asked her if she wanted to go sit at the table with some of the other kids to eat her breakfast.  So the teacher took her by the hand and started to lead her over.  And I made a run for the door!  Once safely out the door, I turned around to watch Lily and somewhere along the way, the teacher got sidelined by another kid and Lily was walking on her own over to the table with the other kids (who were all older than her).  She found a chair and started to sit down and another little boy started making faces at her.  She didn't even flinch.  She sat right on down and munched on her cereal.  She was so independent!! 

Do you even know how HARD it was for me not to go running in there and give her a hug and a high five and tell her I was proud of her for joining those kids all by herself and not getting upset when someone made faces?!  I'm such a sap.

In other news, Lily's obsession with Dora is getting out of control.  Every time we turn on the TV she's starts asking for D-D-D-Dora (she sort of starts singing the theme song).  She gets SUPER excited when we turn it on.  Dancing around, hollering, getting 2 inches from the TV and yelling "Swiper no swiping!"  "Pack pack!" "MAP!"  "Boots!"  (For those of you not versed in Dora-speak, these are all elements of the show - or at least Lily's version of them.)  We have to constantly remind her to back up from the TV.  She just gets so excited, she can't help herself.

Watching Dora on her favorite couch:

When I tried to get Lily's attention away from Dora, this is the face I got:

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