Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, February 1, 2013

Two Year Milestones

I realized that I forgot to really post anything about Lily's current habits, behaviours etc for her two year birthday milestone.

Food:  still way picky.  Yogurt, applesauce, and any fruit are staples.  She will eat peas, carrots, green beans and corn but is known to go on a strike from any one of those on any given night.  She still doesn't eat meat except really crunchy bacon (sometimes).  She doesn't eat much bread (unless it has jelly, but even then mostly she just licks off the jelly).  She eats cereal.  Waffles (sometimes).  She loves granola bars (she calls them just "bars").  She drinks a ton of milk.

Sleeping:  most nights, putting her to bed isn't too bad.  She knows the routine well and doesn't usually throw any fits.  Pick up toys, read a story or do flashcards (her idea, not ours!), then we turn off the lights and leave the room and she usually stays up another 10 minutes or so in the pitch black "reading stories" she says.  Most weekday mornings, I have to wake her up to get ready for daycare.  She doesn't really like to be told to get out of bed so I've learned to turn on her light and leave her breakfast on the dresser and tell her to get up when she's ready.  Usually within 5-10 minutes she gets up and gets her breakfast and comes to find me.  On the weekends, she usually sleeps until at least 7:30 or 8:00 but will stay in bed playing quietly until 8:30 (it's AWESOME!).  At daycare, she takes anywhere from 1.25-2 hour nap.  On the weekends at home, she usually sleeps at least two hours - sometimes more if we let her.

Activity:  she loves to sing.  LOVES it.  She sings all the time.  Not a day goes by that she doesn't sing.  The other day, in the bath tub, she grabbed Tyler's hands and starting singing Row Row Row your boat.  So very precious.  She likes to dance and jump.  She's learning to do puzzles and starting to get better at them.  Joel has been trying to teach her to play "pretend" with her kitchen accessories. 

Learning:  she knows her ABCs (can sing them).  She's starting to learn some letters by sight.  She has an alphabet puzzle and she picked up the L and said "L for Lily!" and she also identified the "J" before she lost interest with telling me the names of the letters.  She's pretty good with colors.  She's gets all the standard ones right almost all the time.  Counting is questionable.  When counting objects, she only gets it right about 1/10 times.  Mostly she just like to keep going (if there's two things, she still like to count to 5). 

Talking:  She can say anything.  ANY.  THING.  She talks in full sentences almost all the time.  As I said in a post the other day, she's starting to ask thoughtful questions.  She's really getting good at reasoning and context. 

Dressing:  She can put her own shoes on, but rarely will actually do it.  She can pull her pants up and down at the potty but doesn't do real well with putting them on when they are totally off.  She's getting close to being able to put a shirt on but not quite and she doesn't yet understand the front vs back concept.

Potty training:  She does great with going potty at school.  We usually have maybe 2 accidents a week at school.  However, home is a different story.  We have an accident nearly every day if we don't put a pull up on her after we get home.  We try not to.  Christina works so hard with her at school, it doesn't seem right to undo it all by immediately putting Lily in a pull up at home.  However, 1) Lily doesn't fight Christina to potty like she does us and 2) Lily saves almost all her BMs for between 5-6pm.  So we still have some work to do here.

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