Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tyler Eats Real Food!

That is, if you call rice cereal "real food."  Last Saturday, we introduced rice cereal to Tyler for the first time.  We did that in hopes that it might help him to sleep through the night since for the last several weeks he's been getting up at 1-1:30 and then again at 4-4:30.  And Mama is WORE OUT. 

Tyler was all about eating from a spoon.  He did great!!  Watching a baby eat solid food for the first time is so cute.  All confused and excited at the same time. 

It did not however, prevent Tyler from waking up at 1:30am ready to eat and then again at 5:30am.  But Sunday night, he only got up once around 3.  Same with Monday night.

But now last night, he fell asleep at 6:15pm and did not want to wake up to eat his cereal.  I tried at 7:15 - he screamed his head off so I just laid him back down and he promptly went back to sleep.  I was all concerned that he'd wake up at 10pm and be wide awake since he fell asleep so early.  Well, I was wrong.  He woke up at 9pm, nursed and then promptly fell back asleep again and slept until 4:15am! 

I can't figure this kid out. 

Speaking of promptly falling asleep, we've been doing better with laying Tyler down while he's still fully awake and letting him fall asleep on his own.  He's doing great.  No fuss.  It's awesome!  We did that same thing with Lily but we started much sooner with her.  I think this time around I had this subconscious thing going on where I know this might be my last baby and I just want to hold on to him as long as I can while he's still a baby.....

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