Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Five Months!

Tyler is five months old!! 

Weight:  18.4 lbs (82nd percentile)
Height:  27.5" (98th percentile)

(these were taken a week after his 5 month birthday so probably the % are a little high since he was actually a little older than 5 months.....)

Eating habits:  Just after my 4 month update, Tyler switched to 5 ounce bottles of breastmilk during the day at daycare.  Most days he takes 3 bottles at daycare, but it depends a lot on when I last fed him in the morning and what time I get home from work.  So it could be 4 bottles.  I nurse him in the mornings before work, between 5:3-6:30 in the evening and then I usually try to "sleep" feed Tyler around 9:30-10:00.  For most of the last month, Tyler has been waking up around 2-3 am wanting to eat so that hasn't been much fun. 

Sleeping habits:  Tyler's a pretty good sleeper for us at home.  I have recently started putting him to bed around the same time that we put Lily to bed.  He usually takes the a pacifier when he first goes to sleep but he gets rid of it pretty early on.  Until about a week and half ago, we would wrap Tyler up to sleep but we stopped when he started rolling over while wrapped up.  I was afraid he wouldn't sleep as well if he wasn't wrapped up but it's been a non issue.  He takes decent naps for us on the weekends.  Usually several naps throughout the day where a couple of them are usually at least 45-60 minutes long.  Sometimes, we'll get at 2+ hour nap in.  Unfortunately, rarely do we get Tyler and Lily napping at the same time.  Something to work on!

Activity:  Tyler's rolling over like crazy now.  For the last several weeks, if you put Tyler on his back he typically immediately rolls to his belly.  I have never seen him roll back to his back but the babysitters at daycare says that he does.  We started putting him in the jumper toy and he seems to enjoy that.  He loves to play with his feet including putting them in him mouth.  He really loves attention.  He lets us know if we're getting too busy with evening chores and messing with Lily.  If we just start talking to him and smiling at him, he starts hamming it up. 

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe he is already 5 months old. This is insane!! He is so stinkin' cute!
