Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, February 25, 2013

Playing Hookie...

Last night about 9:30 or so, Joel and I were watching the last few minutes of a TV show before heading to bed when all of a sudden, we heard this horrific gagging, choking sound coming from Tyler's room.  I took off running in a full freak out sprint down the hall.  I grab him out of his crib and he's choking and crying and covered in green puke (I had tried to feed him green beans earlier that evening). 

I took him in to the bathroom and he's still gagging and choking and I start to freak out. 

"Joel, he's choking!  What do I do?!  Go get me the nose sucker!"  I'm not sure what I thought I was going to do with that. 

I sat him upright and a second or two later, he stops gagging so I strip off his clothes and start to wipe up the puke off his chin.  Joel went to change his bed linens.  While Joel was out of the bathroom, Tyler starts gagging again and then hurls everywhere.  All over me and him and the bathroom floor.  I snuggled him really close and he seemed to calm down a bit.  At this point, he's completely covered in vomit so I run the bathtub and decide to give him his second bath of the night. 

I get him all cleaned up and I'm about to drain the bathtub and I see him start gagging again!  So I sit him up in the bathtub and he pukes some more.  Gaaah!  I'm in tears at this point because I feel so sorry for him and I don't know what to do to make him feel better. 

He finally seems to calm down and I get him dried and dressed and I tell Joel there's no way he's sleeping in his room by himself, so we set up the pack n play in our room (this was about to the be first time one of our kids has slept in our room with us). 

While Joel's setting up the crib, Tyler starts vomiting bile.  He would gag and I would run him to the bathroom and lean him over the sink.  I think we did that 3-4 times.  His skin would transition from a greenish hue to totally pale and colorless.  Poor poor poor baby.  In total, this went on for probably 45 minutes.  I was doing my very best not to totally freak out.  Something about little babies throwing up just about brings me to my knees and makes my heart hurt.

Finally he settles down about 11:30 and I put him in the pack n play and he goes to sleep. 

I did not.

I would jump at every little sound he made and then if he wasn't making noise I would concentrate really hard to make sure I could still hear him breathing.

So I ended up awake most of the night.  Tyler slept all night except for a brief period around 4am.  He never cried but he was kicking in the crib and whining just a little bit.  But he put himself back to sleep.

This morning he nursed fine and his coloring was back.  He never had a fever.  But since I didn't know what caused the vomiting, and in the interest of not getting all the other babies sick, I decided to stay home with him today.

Here he is taking a nap on the couch during one of my conference calls this morning.

Speaking of conference calls, during one of them, I thought I was just going to be a listener (and therefore keep my phone on mute so that no one would hear a potentially crying baby) but after a few minutes in, I realized that they wanted me to present!  No problem, Tyler's happy.  Not fussy.  I'm good to go. 

Oh wait, it's time for Tyler to eat.....and he's ready NOW....Not really willing to wait until after I'm done presenting.  So, I do what any mom "working from home" would do!  I managed to get Tyler hooked up to the boob and (I think) never missed a beat in my presentation!  Whew!

A little later, he was laying on the couch next to me while I was on another conference call and he was just talking away.  I think he was trying to get his two cents in.  He was probably saying "You guys are a bunch of idiots.  I have all the answers, if only you could speak my language."

And here he is jumping...

And playing with Daddy...

So I think he's fine!

And Lily's pretty good too....

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