Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mama / Daughter Outing

Remember when I took Lily for her 2 year checkup, and she asked "Where should we go Mommy?"  I said that it felt like it was time for a Mama / Daughter outing and finally today we did that!

I told Lily we were going to go out to the store "Just me and you!"  She was so excited.  She kept repeating "Just me n you.  Not Daddy."  So cute.

First we went to McDonald's for lunch. 

She ate a handful of french fries, most of her apples and all of the chocolate milk.  She wouldn't touch her chicken nuggets with a ten foot pole.  We were at McDonald's for probably at least 45 minutes.  She went potty 3 times.  I thought we were never going to get to eat all our food.  Seemed like every 5 minutes, she said "Got to potty Mama!" and she'd take off for the bathroom.  She went every time - no false alarms. 

After we finally got done at McDonald's we headed to Joann's to buy some yarn to make a hat for Joel.  She was stopping to smell the flowers.

Everywhere we went, she was getting compliments on her pretty pink boots.  She even said "Thank you" once.  So cute.

Then we went off to Target.  She had to potty again here. 

We didn't buy anything at Target.  She saw a Dora bathing suit and we tried it on but it didn't fit (it was a 3T and it didn't fit!!!).  I was preparing myself for a total meltdown over not getting the bathing suit but she just said "It's didn't fit, Mama.  We'll try again." What the??

Then we went off to Kohl's and I'm kicking myself because I totally forgot to take a picture there.  By this time, we are approaching nap time so she's getting a little testy.  I let her push a cart around and she was in heaven.  She got to pick out a few outfits and took great pleasure in plunking them down in the cart. 

All in all, it was a nice girls day out!

We came home and shortly after, Lily went down for her nap.  At about 5:00, she was still sleeping (she went down around 2:45) so I went to wake her up.  This is what she looked like:

She was completely drenched in sweat.  Sleeping in her cowboy boots and mittens!  Check out her shirt sleeve....totally soaked!  She had two fleece blankets on her and her comforter - I think that was a bit much. 

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