Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Farmer's in the Jail

The Farmer's in the Jail
The Farmer's in the Jail
Hi Ho the Derry-o
The Farmer's in the Jail!

I bet none of you have ever heard that nursery rhyme before!  I know I hadn't until Lily sang it to me today.  Hahaha!

Today started off pretty good after a rough night last night.  When we tried to put Lily to bed last night, she was having a total meltdown and didn't want to go to sleep, didn't want to turn out the light, didn't want to shut the door, etc.  She screamed and cried and wailed and screamed some more.  We didn't know what got in to her but thought maybe she was just having a two-year-old-moment.  About 10:00 she finally settled down and went to sleep.

This morning I heard her cry out around 5am and about 1 minute later, the crying stopped and I figured she went back to sleep.

So after getting myself ready for work and feeding Tyler, I went to wake up Lily.  I opened the door and was almost knocked out by the smell.  She had vomitted all over her bed.  She was covered in it.  I felt sick to my stomach because:

1) it stunk so bad
2) she had probably been laying in it for almost 2 hours
3) when I looked around, there was no one else standing there to clean it was all me!

So right then, I knew I wasn't going to be able to go in to work and I started "recalculating" my day.  I decided to go ahead and take Tyler to daycare, then I had to run in to work because I didn't bring my laptop home the night before, and then, since Lily was up for it, I ran in to Walmart to pick up some bananas and pedialite and whatever else I could think of that she might eat that we didn't have at home.

So I do all that and then I'm on my way home and the daycare calls and I have to pick up Tyler because they think he has pink eye and he puked up his breakfast of baby food. 


So I go back for Tyler, and the reason they think he has pink eye is because there's lot of green gunk coming out of his eye.  And the outside of his eye is a little pink but I think it's from wiping away the green gunk. I called the doctor and made an appointment to get his eye checked out and since both kids are pukey, I figure might as well get it verified that it's a virus and we just have to wait it out.

Back at home, I attempt to work and watch sick Lily and feed and attend to's going pretty smoothly until I have a conference call.  And it's one I have to actively particpate in, so no muting.

During that call, Lily said she had to potty no less than 3 times...of which she only went once.  One of those times, I'm sitting on the ledge of the bathtub with my laptop taking notes and talking on the phone and Lily starting talking about needing to take her panties off.  OMG.  I'm on the phone with 4 men.  So I fight the urge to say anything to Lily about her panties and I start talking a little louder about I don't even know what to the people on the phone in hopes that they don't hear anything about panty removal!!  Hahaha!

During this time, Tyler starts crying so I come back to the living room, still typing, talking and walking at the same time and try to bounce him while my call finishes up.  After I hang up, I learn that Tyler's fussing because he's had a blowout.  Sweet!

Also, while I was on the call, Lily had gotten in to the fridge and helped herself to some milk and yogurt.  Not exactly a part of the BRAT I cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Apparently I didn't cross the right fingers because about 45 minutes later, she vomitted that milk and yogurt all over me, herself and the floor.

Oh the bodily fluids I've had to deal with today!!  I've never been more grateful for my washing machine....

I kept trying to get Lily to take a nap and she wasn't having it....of course, 20 minutes before we have to leave for the doctor, she passes out, snoring like a banshee on the couch.  Poor, poor baby.

Doctor's diagnosis is that both kids just have viral infections (no pink eye for Tyler) and we just have to wait it out. 

So, tomorrow, it's JOEL'S turn to stay home!  Good luck, hubby of mine, good luck!

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