Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sometimes the Angel Comes Out

I find myself often telling Lily tantrum "horror" stories on the blog and I think I do that because I often feel better after writing down the mayhem AND usually when I go back a day or two later and read it, I laugh my @ss off. :)

But, it's not always the devil that rearing his ugly head out of my child.  Sometimes the angel comes out and today was one of those days. 

Lily was absolutely so precious and sweet and loving and GOOD tonight. 

First, I think this might have been the first night since we started potty training that she didn't have any accidents all day at school AND she didn't have any accidents at home either!  We didn't put her in a pull up until bed time!  And we didn't have to clean up pee!  Or have a fight about going potty!  It was amazing! 

She ate all her supper without us begging! 

She played and played and played.  She told each of us "Love you!" out of the blue - unprompted!

She was a sweatheart.

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