Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sweet Potato Flop

Last night we gave Tyler Stage 1 baby food for the first time.  It was sweet potatoes.  And it was a flop!

Awww come on Mom!  What gives with the vegetables?!  Give me BANANAS!!

I tried and tried to get him to eat it, but more ended up on his face and bib than in his mouth.  Actually, plenty made it in to his mouth, it just didn't stay there!

I only got about half the container in him before I got face like this and just gave up for the night!

However, tonight I fed him the rest of the sweet potatoes and while he still spit a lot out, he did eventually eat it all and never made a face full of pure disgust like he did last night!

Next beans!!

Also on a happy note, Tyler has been sleeping through the night for the last several days!  Or rather, if he wakes up before 6, he's either put himself back to sleep or if I give him his pacifier he falls back to sleep and makes it until 6-6:30!  Yes! (I've now crossed all my fingers and knocked on every piece of wood within reach.)

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