Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Where Should We Go Mommy?

My baby girl is TWO!  Going on four, at LEAST!

We had her birthday celebration on Saturday and had a great time with friends and family.  Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures because I was too caught up in being master of ceremony.  I'll have to get pictures from Jenny and Marie who took lots.

We had a Dora themed birthday - shocker! - complete with a Dora adventure to the big birthday pinata.  I'll have to blog more about it when I get the pictures.

Today I took Lily for her 2 year wellness check up.  The short of it is, she's perfect!  :)

When I picked her up from daycare to take her to the doctor she was so confused (I had just dropped her off an hour earlier).  It took her staring at me for a full 90 seconds before got up and came over to me.  I told her we had to go get her coat on to go bye bye and she got very concerned about leaving Tyler behind. I said "It's just me and you right now.  Just me and you.  We'll come back in a little while to get Tyler."  All the way to the car she kept repeating "just me n you, Mommy, just me n you."  Then, as we were driving, she said, "Where should we go Mommy?"


She is not only talking in full sentences but she's learning to ask thoughtful questions!  Unbelievable.  She's one smart cookie and I'm one proud Mama.  Also, I'm thinking this means it's time for Mama/Daughter outings!

We walked in the door and as I approached the receptionist, Lily says, "Got to go potty Mommy!" She's sans pull up so I holler to the receptionist, "Liliana Basham to see Dr. Mernitz and she's gotta pee right now!" The receptionist laughs at me as I take off for the bathroom.  And, of course, once there, it was a false alarm. 

We get back to the office and had one more false potty alarm and then the real deal.  It was a bit comical because we tried 3 separate bathrooms before we found an empty one and she held it the whole time and then went on the potty!  I was so happy that I did not get peed on!

Her checkup itself was pretty uneventful.  She got her blood pressure checked for the first time (I forgot to ask what it was) and she handled that really well.  She weighs 31.8 lbs (92nd percentile) and is 36 inches tall (95th percentile)!  Dr Mernitz said, two more years and she'll be taller than her Mama!  She's probably right!

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